Fall 2020 to Fall 2021 I ate specifically to help my PCOS it was the best I ever felt and I lost 30 lbs with just walking a lot at work as my exercise not counting steps just living life. (I’ve gained back 15 since but I stopped eating as well so it was bound to happen.) I learned at lot from the free 30 day beat PCOS challenge from Kim Campbell. She says often that she dug through the research so you don’t have to and it’s true she had amounts of research to share. I never fully ate per her instructions I never cut anything completely out of my diet never truly restricted myself. I did cut way back on gluten, dairy, soy and sugar and learned some intentional eating skills. I kept loose track of my carb intake so I could keep it relatively consistent and a bit lower around 100 cabs a day but again just estimating in my head I didn’t track I would have hated doing that and never have been able to follow through with tracking every little thing and I would’ve been upset with myself for not following through etc when instead of just ate what I wanted too. More protein and veggies especially at breakfast (often some variation of eggs and veggies and sometimes a protein granola bar an cereal with aliens milk my favorite cereal Frosted Flakes is a low GI food so I decided for my enjoyment I’d stick it eating it sometimes instead of sometimes eating a non frosted less sugary cereal cuz like it’s my fave and if you keep eating some of your faves while eating better overall your way more likely to stick to it. This response has a ramble of things. I hope you can takeaway something from it especially the notion that you can learn to change your eating habits to help your PCOS and that any diet or excise or kind of routine or lifestyle change you decide to use you can adapt it to fit you and your needs you don’t have to follow it to the letter to get results and feel good about using it.