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Updated 10mo ago

Managing Thyroid Cancer Medications

I had thyroid cancer so my thyroid was removed. Even on meds I feel pretty awful. My endo said that he needs to keep my medications low and my thyroid numbers a bit high. I guess raising my levothyroxine could make it more likely that my cancer will return . Has anyone else been told that?? for my concert

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Never had thyroid cancer although decades ago my doc removed one gland because of a suspicious growth. Benign fortunately.. However I would get a second opinion from another doctor, maybe talk to your pharmacist to get their opinion about keeping your meds on a low dose to prevent a recurrence of the cancer. Maybe someone else here has a more educated response than I. However the good news for everyone here is that there are many healthy dietary changes you can make that could increase your energy, mood and general health. One of the great resources is clinical nutritional specialist Kinsey Jackson. I have one of her books, The Thyroid Reboot". Got to paleoplan. com.



Thank you. I’m going to check it out. I’m supposed to be on a low fat, low carb, low cholesterol, anti-inflammatory diet. Haha. My cholesterol is high and I have problems with my esophagus so diet in general is taking over my brain right now. It’s a lot to research and process. Every Dr. tells me something different.



I had my entire thyroid removed due to cancer as well about three years ago. Some days I feel like I'm literally dying. The pain and fatigue are horrible. The Dr had me on levothyroxine and cytomel in the beginning...I was still able to work out and function for the most part. I started having a little bit of heart palpitations and he abruptly cut me off the cytomel. Said if my levels are too high it's dangerous. But immediately after stopping the cytomel...I felt worse than I ever's been almost 7 months without it and my Dr said my thyroid levels are perfect...than someone please explain why I feel so much worse?



I get it. I’ve seen three endocrinologists and they all say my numbers are where they should be but I still have symptoms. It’s difficult to exercise with my legs. They’re weak, achy and I get exhausted fast. I try to do as much a possible but I can’t push too hard. I have to make it to work so that’s my focus. Some days I stay in bed. I can’t do anything once my body starts to protest. It’s been such a process.



I feel for you. Big time!! 😥

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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