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Updated 11mo ago

How to talk to my mom about bipolar disorder?

i think that i might have bipolar disorder - it runs in my dads side of the family. my moms worst fear is me ending up having it because of things her and i went through with my dad that were related to his disorder. me and my dad are not that close so how do i bring this up to my mom?

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Two people having a disorder does not mean they’ll be the same person or even have the same issues/severity of issues. I would bring up that you’re concerned with your mood/mental health and ask to see a professional. You don’t have to necessarily say you suspect bipolar to her as she can’t diagnose you anyway. Just talk about it with your doctor if you’re able to see one and go from there. Bipolar is definitely better to be treated sooner rather than later



I agree. Any mental illness is something to get checked even if it is not bipolar. If it is you can talk between you your mom and the doctor. This may make it easier. When they give you all the testing they will ask if anyone in your family has any mental issues and you can tell them anyone who does like your father so they can be more aware.



Yeah not everyone will act the same. I'm on meds and I'm pretty controlled. I feel like I can still live my life with little problems. Therapy can also help teach you how to not act on those actions. Don't feel like you are doomed because your dad had a hard time.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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