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Updated 10mo ago

Switching Medications: Need Advice

a bit of background, I've been singing or prescribing psychiatrist for the last few years, but she did not offer any kind of therapy or coping skills, and so today I had my first appointment with this new place that does therapy and medications. They decided that they're going to cut my venlafaxine and escitalopram in half for 3 days, And then I'm supposed to stop both of those and start taking abilify and remeron. anyone have any experiences with these two new medications? And has anyone made a switch like this before? just wondering what I might can expect because I've heard that the withdrawal symptoms for cutting back on Lexapro are kind of horrible. but I haven't heard anything about the withdrawal symptoms or cutting back on effexor. I also really don't know anything about the new ones, I think I've heard the name abilify a few times, but I never even knew what it treated, and I've never heard of remeron.

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I am already taking quetapine, 200 mg a night, for sleep. My new doctor said that she didn't really feel comfortable up in the dosage even though I've been getting used to it and it's not working as well, and that's why she recommended the remeron. I'm glad to hear that you didn't experience any issues with the other. As I mentioned, neither movies or medications that I know a lot about.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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