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Updated 10mo ago

Suspecting EDS: Seeking Input

hey there! i'm suspecting i have EDS, the hypermobility type. ive had severe knee pain for years on end, since I was around 7, and almost all of my joints are hypermobile. sometimes i wake up and find that something was dislocated in my sleep, and i have to frequently relocate those joints - most commonly my lower right ribs. i don't exactly know if this is EDS, but i have a close friend with the condition who says it sounds very similar to it, so i wanted other people's input. i cant see a doctor until this october,

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There are a lot of hyper mobility spectrum disorders! I currently am diagnosed “hyper mobility syndrome” but I also suspect I actually have hEDS. I have not been able to get on a specialist’s schedule yet but I’m trying. If u want tips for joint pain relief I have lots (have also struggled since I was about 7)



there's more criteria than just being hypermobile for hEDS, so i suggest looking at the criteria on the eds foundation website!



i have hEDS and was diagnosed when i was 5 years old. i think a lot of the criteria for having hEDS depends on where your pain is. i also bruise easily which is also an indicator… definitely find a doctor who knows a lot about it bc most doctors arent educated in eds.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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