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Updated 10mo ago

Recovery Time After Surgery: What to Expect

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I had my gallbladder out in 2020 bc I got really sick due to scar tissue from a ruptured ulcer My healing was very quick Not even a week I'd say The surgery healing is not the downfall to losing this organ It's what can occur after you're done healing. -My alcohol tolerance went way down. And I actually got my 1st hangover after that. -I now poop at least 2× A-day. -I can't eat Greasy or fatty foods they literally go right through Me -stomach cramps -the heart burn for me is the worst part I can't remotely eat anything acidic like spaghetti sauce Without getting heartburn. Let alone any of the spicy foods I do like I'm on Pantiprolze (protonics) for heart burn , this medicine is the best thing for heart burn ever All in all it's not a very painful surgery just kinds frustrating afterwords Some ppl never have any issues once there gallbladder is out (my mom) hopefully you end up one of the lucky ones



Definitely depends on if it's laparoscopic or not. I took barely a week.

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