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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling to Speak: Sudden Onset Fluency Disorder Symptoms

Does anyone else deal with sudden onset fluency disorder symptoms like struggling to form sentences even though you know EXACTLY what you want to say, but your brain doesn't send the signal to your voice to say it and even when it does, you struggle to say the most simple words? Is this common with people who are on the spectrum or do I need to be concerned??

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Hi there, yes, I have this issue sometimes as well and also lots of brain fog. Frustrating! I don't have much advice, but just know that you're not alone with how you feel



Yup, it's pretty common for those with ASD and that's basically how its commonly described. It just means you're semi non verbal which has it's own work arounds like communication devices/apps and non speaking languages like sign language. Or just having people around you only talk to you in yes or no questions if need be.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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