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Updated 10mo ago

Stuck in Bed: Need Advice

I haven’t left the bed in 3 days other than to get my Uber eats. What should I do? I also missed an entire week of work.

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As someone with cfs/me I spend most of my life in bed lol, I feel you! ♡ Are you looking for things to occupy your time/distract yourself? If so I would recommend taking up gaming of some kind, keeps the mind busy and doesn't require too much energy ♡ on days where I can't even manage that, I usually listen to music or watch documentaries ♡



thanks ! I’m gonna try downloading some games



Maybe you could try setting a specific time or day to get out of bed if you can, and whether that's just pacing around your kitchen or going out on a walk, anything that gets you out of bed for however much time you want works! You could also do something like staying out of bed when you get up to get your UberEats! I know it may seem tough, but I believe you can do it!! I'd also recommend trying to cut your screen time if possible, so you have more time to think and get things done and build up the motivation you need! You got this!! Even if none of this works, there's a million other strategies you could try! Keep going! :)



I absolutely agree. Once I'm up and moving even just a bit, I tend to do better at staying up and present for the day. Some days are definitely better than others for sure! However, I've been noticing that being uncomfortable for awhile instead of isolating motivates me so get up and not stay under my covers all day. Which is super comfy for me to do. I think it's a bit of getting uncomfortable to begin learning comfort in a different way. Full disclosure, I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, social anxiety disorder, substance use disorder, PTSD and ADHD. Which I believe that's a lot of disorders to explain PTSD and ADHD.



Sometimes all I’m able to do when I’m in a mental place like this is do basic stretches or movements that I’m able to do in bed. Even if it doesn’t help me get up or do anything else, I feel better both physically and mentally.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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