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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Weight Loss

hi, I struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. Noom helped and now I have 50 or so pounds to go. Some days are better than others. At this point in my life it is more about health than cosmetics. I want to be healthier and be around for my family. I had a childhood friend who died recently and while my depression said "be sad, isolate, emotional eat" logic said to take better care of myself. So, trying to be better to maybe last 50 more years... I hope happy ones.

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That’s awesome! So happy for you. How does Noom help besides the food they provide?



they do not provide food but educate on foods which are calorie dense and not very filling (candy, ice cream, fried foods) so one makes better choices. Usually, the calorie intake daily is between 1200-1400 (depending on the individual) and as you can imagine... one can eat a lot more carrots than potato chips. They don't forbid or restrict anything. They do offer daily lessons, online group sharing with people who are in the program and Noom coaches. They offer plenty of encouragement and it worked for me.. I still have more to go but they did help me shed that 50 pounds. I was getting to the point I was going to be immobile and now... I am so much better. Noom works on mindset too.. cognitive therapy.. I am so much nicer to myself and appreciative of the person I've become. I no longer talk down to myself and I won't let anyone else either. I don't sabotage myself. Some of the voices in my head were so terrible, I look back and ... yeah, very glad I joined. I haven't lost all the weight yet but I am a much happier person who can handle the trials that come my way so much better.



I need to diet also and get healthy so I don't die young. I wanted to try noom but I can't afford to.



I bought my subscription before I lost my job. I understand.

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