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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Organization and Anxiety

I find getting and staying organized so damn hard. lately it's been so bad, I've been getting such horrible anxiety over it. I'm still just learning what all of my feelings mean, is there any techniques that could help?

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I'm right there with you, life keeps going too fast for me to figure myself out and get organized, so my work just keeps piling up and I throw out self care. I've been trying to fill out a calendar (on paper) and it's been really helpful; even though some days I don't follow it, it's a comforting schedule to go back on. I also write down everything that's on my mind before I sleep so then I can sleep better with an empty head. Hope this helps! ♥️



This week I’ve been putting all of my assignments/reminders on post it notes and putting them on my wall in ways that make sense. Like the soonest things on top, and then organize in chunks of school/chores/day. That seems really fun to me if I can keep it up!



I also love getting ideas from HowToADHD on YouTube! Her videos are short and fast paced enough so that they are interesting and they have really good information for me!



Like @anxiousbean says a calendar is good. I can't do paper ones because I won't look at it or properly fill it out. I use my phone though. I fill out everything right then and there and set reminders and I use habit tracking apps to make sure I get what I need to done everyday. It helps me. I also use a smart watch and limit the notifications to it because notifications on my phone is a huge distraction to me.

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