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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with Lack of Motivation

Hello. I’ve been struggling with dealing with a lack of motivation to do things I know are really important. Does anyone have tips on how to improve?

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There’s a really good video by ADHD How To that talks about motivation! I haven’t tried it yet because I’m struggling with the emotional piece much more (shame, guilt, negative self talk, etc). All of her videos are awesome though.



A way I motivate myself that does work is my pet cat, Persephone. Persephone motivates me to wake up early to let her out of my room early, to get up to feed her so she stops yelling at me, to go to the kitchen to get water for her and me, basically she motivates and bosses me around



I try and get myself in a productive mindset which for me is getting up early and having coffee. If it’s a big scary task I’ve been putting off I’ll buy myself a coffee as pre doing the thing treat to get myself excited to do it. Also try and put on an outfit that I feel good in because at least in my brain if I look put together I can act put together



I try to prioritize my tasks every day, I have one task that has to be done today and three more less important. If I manage to do all of them I give myself something nice, watch more TV, order pizza or just say a nice word to myself.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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