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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Expressing Myself Due to Speech Impediment

I really struggle with expressing myself the way I want/mean to. I have a mild speech impediment that I'm very self-conscious of. The doctors say there is nothing to be done about it but I feel like I sound drunk and retarded even though my IQ measures 175 and I have a fairly extensive vocabulary... I also have mild aphasia that often causes me to cuss instead of saying what is actually in my mind, and it is embarrassing, but I don't know how to fix it... I also discovered recently while videotaping myself in an attempt to notice and correct my issues with speech and presentation, that in addition to a light tremor that never goes away, that sometimes the pupils of my eyes twitch back and forth (rapidly and automatically, similar to what you will often see in TBI or sometimes with cerebral palsy)... I do have a history of TBI and I dealt with severe abuse early in life but I don't want to focus on the part or feeling sorry for myself. Instead I want to improve NOW so I can talk to people without being ashamed of myself. If anyone had ANY advice to help with any of this or has had a similar experience, or even just has a word of encouragement, I would love to hear from you, and thank you.

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Can you see a speech therapist? I just made an appointment with one to improve my articulation skills.



I can't afford one right now, but it may be something I can do once I am a little more financially stable.



Do you have friends? Talking more regularly helps a lot. I like to call people than text them.



I do have a few friends... I tend to get phone anxiety but this is another good motivator for me to work on that... Truthfully I feel like I already talk way too much but that may be due to a skewed perception on my part due to being punished for speaking as a child... It may be that I need to work more on the content of my speech than suppressing it (just thinking and speaking g of more positive things and not shaming myself for my flaws, speech-related and otherise).

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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