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Updated 1y ago

Struggling with Body Image and Health

really haven’t been feeling great about my body or my health. i’ve been gaining weight for the past few months while being on a pretty strict diet and working out everyday. i have tons of stretch marks and they just make me insecure. i went through a rough patch in life and i still have self harm scars, people notice them sometimes and it just upsets me. i live in place where every summer it gets to be 105-106°F and i end up getting a heat rash every year and i’m currently dealing with that. ive grown up in a home where i’d constantly be body shamed for being a certain weight, or having certain things on my skin and it’s just messed with me. i also have just been experiencing a lot of fatigue and other issues. i’m so tired of constantly feeling like i don’t fit in this body, it’s so difficult some days.

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I'm here to talk if you need to ik what it's like, I really do and it sucks

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