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Recently, my anxiety has been completely out of control. Even such a minor thing will take SUCH a toll on me and I’m not sure what to do. None of my anxiety meds have worked, and I’m starting to run out of options. Has anyone else struggled this much with medications not working?

Top reply
    • Snow_Storm


      What are some things that you notice trigger your anxiety. It might be helpful to identify those. I used to be terrified to go to the store and walk up to the cash register to pay for my items. I’d always make my mom do it (I’m 19 btw). I’d literally be having an anxiety attack on the inside from even the thought of it. So one day while I was at the mall without my mom I realized I had to pay for my own items. After the transaction was complete I felt so proud of myself for getting over one of my biggest fears and now if I’m feeling frisky I’ll engage in small talk with the cashier. I would have never even thought about doing it before. Sorry for my rant. Text me if you wanna talk more about anxiety :)

    • Snow_Storm


      What are some things that you notice trigger your anxiety. It might be helpful to identify those. I used to be terrified to go to the store and walk up to the cash register to pay for my items. I’d always make my mom do it (I’m 19 btw). I’d literally be having an anxiety attack on the inside from even the thought of it. So one day while I was at the mall without my mom I realized I had to pay for my own items. After the transaction was complete I felt so proud of myself for getting over one of my biggest fears and now if I’m feeling frisky I’ll engage in small talk with the cashier. I would have never even thought about doing it before. Sorry for my rant. Text me if you wanna talk more about anxiety :)

    • lucyspimp


      i would say even my current regiment is only partially helpful, however, it's a hell of a lot better than the first set of meds i was prescribed 7 years ago, w/medication you just gotta stick to it, there's so many medications in the world, it sucks at times but eventually you'll find something that helps w/out making you feel unpleasant, i know for a fact i need medication because my psychosis is real bad w/out them like to the point of me being afraid i might accidentally really hurt myself or somebody else

    • Suze


      Are you in therapy?

      • basilton


        @Suze I have been, but I’m struggling to find a new one since moving

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