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Updated 4mo ago

Struggling with Anxiety and Depression

Hi everyone I struggle with sever anxiety and depression and It has been very bad the last few moths. extra anxiety/panic attacks littler interest in doing things and sleep. I have been getting just a few or less hours of sleep every night do to the fear of the things and responsibilities I have the next day, the fear that I may not wake up, and the fear that something bad will happen. this has gotten worse after a loved ones passing and a bunch of family crisis in just one month as well as 2 family members diagnosed with cancer. I never want to get out of bed or even leave my house and I feel so horrible and depressed and just don't want to be here anymore but I know that so many people need and love me. Does anyone realte or can help me with this?

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It’s a good thing that you’re posting this. So many people with anxiety and depression are going through exactly what you’re experiencing. I’ve tried medications and it worked but it’s not for everyone. Currently I’m off medication and started therapy. It’s always good to have someone to talk to. You’re not alone!



Life can feel extremely overwhelming at times, and I’m so sorry you are feeling that way now. I have been there many times. What has helped me most is knowing that I can do things to make myself feel better. Instead of feeling like everything is out of my control, I know that there are something’s that will make me feel better in the long or short run if I embrace them. Take some deep breaths, and try to focus on what you can do to solve the problem instead of solely focusing on it. I have had trouble sleeping my entire life because of my anxiety, so I had to change a lot of things to make it better. I now have a set bedtime routine that starts after I take my melatonin. I dim the lights, play rain sounds, and get ready for bed. When I am feeling down, I try to do things that I know will make me feel better in the long run. Like getting 10-30 minutes of sunshine, doing a 15-30 minute workout, playing video games with my friends, or calling up a loved one.



Oh my gosh yes! I can relate I'm so lonely and bored from depression all I do is sleep ,I don't want to go anywhere or be with Anyone that will require energy I just don't have

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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