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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling to go to school

I have such a hard time going to school. It feels like such a heavy wait on my back and my mind constantly tries to think of ways to get out of it even if i’m not actually sick or feeling bad… i just don’t want to go. Does anyone else feel this way? Because i feel really alone in this. Especially when people tell me i’m just being lazy or that i need to just “push through”.

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i’m not sure what schooling / level of schooling you’re in- but when i was in high school, if felt never ending, like a sense of doom. it only partially left when i graduated. the doom turned from “how am i going to graduate?!” into “how am i going to survive?!” the doom i felt made me never want to go to school. in elementary i always said my stomach hurt so i didn’t have to participate too. i never enjoyed any schooling.



exactly :( i’m a junior in hs. and it’s torture. Everybody says this year is just bad but every other year has been like this too. It’s terrible and i never want to show up. I want to cry every morning— every night before school i just feel like dying. I hate going even though i have friends there and my classes are good. I just hate being there.



last year i was a junior in highschool, and i struggled to go everyday, i was in a depressive episode and eventually started skipping classes. i failed almost every class after i stopped attending almost entirely. this year im a junior again. it sucks, but once you hit rock bottom, you can only go up from there. i hope you’ll be okay in the end



i don’t think it’s laziness, motivation may just be really hard to find



I feel the same exact way. I feel no motivation to go to school, I never want to go. Just think about happy things you do at school, like lunch. When you can and your not supposed to be paying attention, think about other things and don't stress about thr hard work.

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