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1y ago

Struggling to find the right ADHD medication

how do I go about getting medicated for ADHD? I have been diagnosed since I was 8 years old, but my mother claims she had no idea and I wasn't medicated then. I have taken all 3 nonstimulant medications (in the USA) and noticed little improvement in symptoms. i have also taken most stimulant medications without prescription for school and noticed insane improvements in motivation, focus, energy, and mood. when I last went to the Psychiatrists I was told "she would consider medicine after I fixed my sleeping and eating habits" (forgetting to eat until 6-9pm, poor diet, but taking multivitamins, sleeping 12+ hours a day).. I am under the impression that poor dietary choices and oversleeping/ fatigue are both adhd symptoms. I haven't been back to that psychiatrist since because she wrote something extremely unprofessional(?)/uncaring things in the notes after our visit. I am currently addicted to opiates because I have been using them in place of stimulants to produce dopamine, which allows me to have motivation, keep a job, function, etc. but my family perceives me to be something of a worthless junkie because of it. I'm tired of feeling like I have no other options. is there something I'm just not doing right? should I find another psychiatrist and just try again?

Your answer



1y ago

i have a slew of diagnoses including ocd, ADD, BPD, PTSD, depression, GAD, and panic disorder. I also suspect autism and have done the RAADs test that suggests I am autistic. My biggest problem in everyday life is difficulty focusing and lack of motivation for anything beyond dopamine-giving behavior. That's why I was kinda asking specifically about ADD medication. I do want treated for my depression but ADD treatment is most important to me currently. Thank you for your kind words, I feel so much more validated after all of the replies. It was very confusing to be told to fix the problem I struggle with fixing due to a lack of treatment.


1y ago

Yes fixing the issue caused by ADHD isn't going to happen... Where I am from I spoke with my therapist she diagnosed the adhd and I went to my Dr and told them.I wanted to go the medication route I was 33. I'd say if your Dr said no your Dr isn't taking your needs into consideration. It's not your Dr's choice to medicate you or not that's yours.


1y ago

that's awesome it was that easy for you! I've been diagnosed since 8 years old but they've ( all doctors I've ever been to) never listened to me whatsoever.


1y ago

I just want to let you know right now, as a former opiate addict, most docs won’t give you stimulants until you have at least a year of clean time from opiates. I’d still try to kick that habit if you can, but I do just want to warn you of that from my own personal experience, you can do with that info what you will. But yes I’d try to find a new psychiatrist because you’re correct, the poor sleeping and eating habits are symptoms of your adhd so it is counterproductive to ask you to fix those things first. Of course you can always try to fix those things either way but medication will make it much easier to do so.


1y ago

thank you for the information though, and the advice. Much love 💕


1y ago

I would love to be able to get clean but that is at the cost of my motivation, any chance of getting and keeping a job,doing chores, eating, taking my dog out, etc. At the time, it's so much easier to stay out of bed while using. I just can't go back to never leaving my bed. I truly believe my only chance is stimulants. I've trialed so many antidepressants and failed so many medications that its my only hope beyond illicit opiates.


1y ago

so, avoid bringing it up whatsoever. I didn't tell my last psych that told me to fix myself before medicating me for that reason of constantly being perceived as a drug addict even for just smoking weed. I don't intend on speaking on my drug use because I just want to be able to get clean and lose my dopamine seeking behaviors with proper medication. It infuriates me that you've been denied medication due to a symptom of your illness, aswell. I am addicted because I have been refused stimulants and need dopamine. It's awful to be judged for doing what I need to do to simply exist and function as a normal human being in society.


1y ago

Substance misuse is also very common in untreated/unmedicated ADHD. Many of us self-medicate with caffeine, cannabis, and other substances. Unfortunately there are still a lot of medical professionals who don't understand how ADHD actually works. Good luck!


1y ago

yeah.. exactly. It's so frustrating to be more educated on my illnesses than the doctors that want to treat me, all the while they act superior and as though their word is an end all be all when it's supposed to be *my treatment* that helps *me thrive*. It feels like so many doctors are on a power trip despite a lack of knowledge.. so frustrating. Thank you for your kind words


1y ago

Yeah, some MAJOR red flags on your doc there. The untreated ADHD is causing symptoms they want you to fix before putting you on the meds that will help you be able to fix it? Nah, get yourself a "second opinion" and possibly a third, because that is NOT how you treat that at all. If you like the doc who gives another opinion that makes a lot more sense, I would ask them to take you on right there. Just drop the old, unprofessional and unknowledgablebuddy. ASAP. And file a report what the conditions were with them a month or two later, so you can include just how much more effective your new doc is. Don't even have to bring the new doc's name into it. Just report her.


1y ago

There may also be another condition making these tasks harder for you. I recommend finding a professional who can act as both psychiatrist and psychologist. They will be able to better understand the testing or medications you need if they get to know your real struggles AND can diagnose you more correctly!


1y ago

Primary care doctors can prescribe medication for ADHD as well.


1y ago

thank you for your response! That's a good idea if I ever feel enticed but so far I've never had a problem with the prescription stimulants as I can only take low doses (to avoid the anxiety of increased heart rate, etc.) So I'm not actually too worried about the overuse aspect. I don't really even "abuse" the illicit opiates, I only use enough to be functional and I purposefully avoid any sort of nod because that seems too close to an OD for me to be comfortable with. I have heard that time locked bottle seals can be really helpful for forgetting if you've taken medication/ remembering to take medication and I think that may also be a good detterant for overuse (just another idea if you struggle with it personally!)


1y ago

I’d definitely look for a new psych, and part of the cycle of addiction recovery is guilt. It’s one of the humps we all have to get over, don’t get down about it because anyone who understands that issue has also experienced that. Addiction issues are VERY common with adhd, and all of those issues your psych told you to fix are all things that should make them WANT to prescribe you a med that could help more. It’s a shame they are looking at it all wrong. Something I’ve read about being better if you’re worried about stimulant medication and your addiction issues is that asking for a weeks supply prescription at a time instead of the usual months worth can be less stressful and enticing! Plus you can always put it in a safe box with a code where you have to consciously think and have a moment to debate with yourself if it ever comes to that instead of just a bottle on the counter


1y ago

I am so so sorry but you're 100% right about both of those things being ADHD symptoms, that psychiatrist is essentially punishing you by refusing needed treatment over the symptoms you're looking to treat, do not go back. Meds definitely have the potential to help with those things as well, especially your sleep schedule. I'd look around for another doctor and try to get in with them and get a prescription, even some primary care doctors can prescribe ADHD medications. I usually suggest looking for doctors who say they don't start with meds, but are still open to them, when starting ADHD treatment because those doctors are more likely to have a more balanced knowledge base allowing you to have access to both coping mechanisms/therapy as well as the opportunity to go on meds if you need it. However I'm sure for your situation you'd like to get on meds as soon as possible since you know they help, and self medicating sucks especially when it's not the right stuff and from an outside perspective everyone just pins you as an addict with no other nuance, so I would suggest looking for a doctor who will give you meds asap and then when things are more stable, assuming you dont luck out and find your ideal therapist that way, looking for a more well rounded therapist/psychiatrist that can help with any other aspects you might need aside from the medication.


1y ago

Definitely try another psychiatrist. And be completely open with them about everything you've gone through from when you were young through now.


1y ago

I’m sorry to hear you’re going through all that. I would definitely look into getting another doctor/psychiatrist, especially to try to help with the opiate addiction since that could, along with ADHD, be exacerbating a lot of the issues you may be experiencing. Unfortunately ADHD can sometimes be the cause of poor diet and sleep which makes ADHD worse, which makes the diet and sleep worse. It’s an awful cycle. Since your psych seems to be very dismissive, I would try to find another one who is actually willing to help. Sometimes it can take a few tries to find the right one. Best of luck to you!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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