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What’s the strangest treatment suggestion you ever got, that actually worked?

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    • Overcomer


      Staying positive and laughing

    • Overcomer


      Staying positive and laughing

    • rosemxry


      Increase sodium intake for POTS- i was shocked to hear my doctor say MORE sodium!!

    • Aiya_the_ill


      For POTS episodes, salt😉. Eat some straight up salt 🧂

    • Alfubet


      Taking a digestive enzyme for Gastroparesis. Turns out your stomach stops producing acid and taking an acid works wonders with fixing digestion! I can eat solid foods again without any pain or issues!

    • SecondChance


      Say I'm a fish and your hiccups are cured

    • Zebrapotato37659



    • SugarRushed


      EMDR. It's such a weird concept but it's amazing how effective it is.

    • AndromedaSpark


      Therapy. I didn't want to go into therapy. I don't even remember why

    • mexo


      Mindful walking

    • WhiteFlamingo


      I went to a therapy center in 2021 to be scheduled for CBIT to treat my Tourette Syndrome. CBIT was recommended by my pediatric neurologist and then my primary care physician. I was very skeptical, but also desperate. My tics were so bad that I was injuring myself. The therapy center said there was an OCD specialist in the area who was starting to work with tic disorders, so I thought, "Sure, why not." In the first few sessions, I was coincidentally diagnosed with OCD. Suddenly all of my anxieties made sense. I started talking with her about my OCD symptoms and it actually helped my tics a lot. She didn't even focus on my tics. The mere act of talking to a therapist, someone professionally trained to help me understand and deal with my problems and specifically my OCD symptoms, lowered my stress so much that my tics decreased significantly. Unfortunately, that therapist switched employers and I could no longer see her. I still haven't found a new one out of fear. I would like to go again, though. It was wonderful.

    • psw


      Know you. Know your body. Know it's ok to disagree with others about what you are experiencing. Know it's ok to say no, that is not for me. The veterans hospital drs I see usually dismiss my symptoms. "Oh, just take this psych med, it will cure all." No, I don't need psych meds to handle gi upsets, hives, anaphylaxis, meningitis. I finally realized my drs are only going by averages for the human species. My body is not within those averages. Only I can advocate my needs. If a Dr recommends something I know won't work on my body, I don't do it.

    • E11iefant


      Cutting out plastic, soy, and flax for endometriosis! My cramps have gotten waaaay less severe!

    • Tracks


      This wasn't a 100% cure but I didn't notice it help for a lot of years. Years ago, I went to a holistic/healer. He told me to lay on my back. He then proceeded to perform, what I only could describe as Raki…. I have only figured it out years after visiting him. I noticed that ever since I did visit him that I had not gone in the hospital those many years after. It must've worked some how

    • CSweet94


      Tried ECT and now I have a seizure disorder…that definitely did NOT work 🥺😭

      • KratomEater


        @CSweet94 omg! I’m so sorry!! Message me I’d love to hear more about your story🙏🏽

    • Adferd


      Visual and guided meditation. I've had therapists in the past try to teach me meditation before but it's impossible and frustrating to clear my head. Having something else to focus on when I'm panicking has helped.

    • hydroepilepic21


      B-2 and magnesium for headache control.

    • bubs34


      I got suggested to have a comfort water bottle and stuffed animal for anxiety. It strangely always works

    • Joany


      Quite a few strange treatments have worked for me. From acupressure to crying it out, warm/hot showers, many things have helped me ease my anxiety. During the Summertime, I purchased an empty plastic spray bottle and filled it with cold water. The hot weather used to give me a lot of anxiety and panic attacks, so having the spray bottle really helped. And for the wintertime, getting plenty of sleep or taking naps helps out a lot as well, and getting sunlight through my windows has helped me the most. I now tend to get anxiety at night right now, especially since I am sick and hate being unable to breathe through my nose sometimes. I try my best to remain calm and distract my mind by playing calming games or talking to Wysa (a therapy robot for anxiety) 😅

    • moonlit_shiv


      Hypnotherapy! I had an incident with my father in the past that was causing me problems, so one of my medical providers at the time suggested I try hypnotherapy. I’m still amazed that it actually worked and helped me overcome that incident.

    • RisingElpis


      yes I used to flinch or freeze whenever someone hugged me or touched me in anyway. (Molested) So I didn't like anyone touching me not even family. I slowly got better but then I forced myself to work at a massage therapy clinic. Massage therapist are very touchy feely. So I have gotten used to friendly and safe touches. Also pets and animals touch and are so innocent so they teach loving.

    • italianxpeaches


      Supplements - suggested by my dad actually. I thought all that jazz was just bs until I finally took an inflammatory supplement to help relieve inflammation and was shocked at how well it helped my knee and neck pain. It was at least 40% better over night. However if I don't take them (which I didn't for a few days while sick), the pain immediately returns and takes a while to subside again.

    • FS_cookielove


      Sticking my hand in ice cold water or on a warm surface because I felt numb and dead inside

    • WhoKnows


      Discovered it myself, but ASMR videos on YouTube. If you don't get it, you don't get it. But for me it can be as good as xanax. I follow Gentle Whispering, Goodnight Moon, and VisualSounds1

    • AzarathMetrion


      I wouldn't call it "extra strength" but they definitely have overlapping benefits. A lot of ppl find benedryll sedating and it is often used in sleep medications "tylenol pm, nyquil pm, etc". I dont think theres much harm in trying it (but maybe on a day without a lot to do in case you need a nap) I personally found hydroxyzine to be unhelpful but didnt have any negative side effects. Benedryll can also cause people to have what my mom calls "a benedryll hangover". I wake up more exhausted if I've taken it at night and often feel "weird" or like a headache in the morning

    • Snuggie


      Emgality for my migraines, and pills for my mental health. I felt like I could breathe again! Also doing a PHP program for the anxiety was a huge help.

    • Ech0


      Microdosing psilocybin 🍄

    • mermaidap


      hold ice in your hand to stop a panic attack

    • mynewfriend


      As a teenager, my psychiatrist wrote me a prescription to 'watch cartoons often', after my mom mentioned I enjoyed them. Self care looks different for everyone!

    • IAmTired247


      Forgetting about it. Yes it has worked surprisingly well. ADHD helps me forget about it. I will focus on other things and just do the stereotypical switching focus that ADHDers do and that just makes me forget most of my problems. Weirdest thing ever.

    • crimsonwolf


      watching fnaf related things ( talks about death and depression stuff ) it relaxes me

    • hydroepilepic21


      B-2 and magnesium for headache control.

    • BeanBetter


      Man oh man do I want to crack a joke right now but my sarcasm will get me banned.

    • LeighShinoda


      Gabapentin (yes,the nerve medication) to reduce panic attacks

    • Sincerely


      I was 4, woke up with a really bad earache. I was screaming lol. My grandpa made me pee in a cup, then laid me on the edge of the bed and poured my pee in my ear. I laid there, but when I woke up, my earache was completely gone. Most gross relief I ever felt. Lol

    • Weneli


      Black cohosh tea for menstrual cramps.

    • IndigoBro


      One time my leg was cramping and I was told to massage the opposite arm and it totally worked. One time acupuncture for migraine was magical. Haven’t done it since though. It was literally a single needle! On another note one time I got a splinter in my palm near my thumb (like where the muscle is below the web) and while I was struggling to get it out with the tweezers I started feeling panicked/weak, felt very difficult to breathe and then totally passed out!! My roommate thought I was scared of needles 😆 but I swear it’s some acupuncture nerve stuff going on.

    • Olivebutter2236


      If you struggle with self harm when you get the urge run your hands under the hottest water you can stand till the urges to harm yourself stop. This helped me stop my self harming many years ago.

    • Olivebutter2236


      This isn't the best advice but when I'm having super bad moments like big time panic attacks or I'm super upset in a situation where I need to collect myself quickly or my anxiety is just so bad one night my eyes are shot wide open I find that microdosing xanex works super well in just giving me the little boost of calm and control I need. I'm talking like a 4th of a piece of a low doseage prescription pill. Super micro but its perfect for those situations. I definitely don't rely on it but knowing its there for an emergency is helpful.

    • Olivebutter2236


      For nausea, lay on your left side and gently rub your stomach clockwise. I don't remeber where I learned this but it was a long time ago and it continues to work magic for me!

    • Freddi


      For impulse spending: Using *physical cash only* to pay for things—I’ve found its a lot harder to overspend when the money is physically leaving your wallet. It’s been sooo helpful to curve my impulse spending habits—I’ve also started recognizing where I spend the most money and have *actually* started making alternative hangout spots to accommodate for it. (I’m a huge foodie, and a study-aesthetic geek, so if I go to a coffeehouse I am wrecked!)

    • NiiTA


      Just water. My GP says I'm really dehydrated. 😅

    • Ash.G


      Ear drops for migraines.

    • Derick33


      Isolation for anger and water or 0.5 mlg of my zyprexa and not taking about it for about up to 2 hours before returning to that situation

    • ouchysince2001


      Reiki 🙌

    • IndyMonkee13647


      Expose yourself to your triggers in a safe setting and learn to cope with them one on one is one I find that helps me with my potential PTSD. It takes a lot of time and work, but it’s been chewing away at some of my triggers or even getting rid of things entirely!

      • Olivebutter2236


        @IndyMonkee13647 this is a real therapy technique called cognative behavioral therpy which envolves gradual exposure to certain fears or triggers in order to lesses the brains responses to them. It works!!

    • lazydaisy


      ATR therapy for PTSD. Truly works miracles. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🙏 🙏

    • lazydaisy


      DNA swab for accurate medicine prescriptions 👍

    • Megsandpegs


      Color therapy

    • Adley


      Reparenting my inner child

    • Ella101


      For anxiety, rationalize with yourself the reasons why your anxious. Make a list of the things making you anxious and ask yourself if they are logical reasons to be anxious and come up with a game plan to solve those things that are causing the anxiety. For example, if I am feeling anxious and I don’t know why I ask myself, why are you feeling this way? What just happened that caused you to feel this? Then I make the list. 1. Well this boy I was talking to ghosted me and that hurt my feelings. 2. There’s a lot of materials to buy for school and I don’t have money right now, 3. I have an audition tomorrow. Okay well 1. That boy doesn’t matter and that happens to many girls even ones who are super pretty and popular so that’s normal and he’s irrelevant. 2. Let’s sit down later and write out how much everything will cost and maybe I can ask a family member for help or check out discounted prices or work another work shift. And 3. Whatever happens at the audition tomorrow happens. It doesn’t matter if you get the audition or not because what’s meant to be for you will happen and what’s not meant to be for you won’t happen so just breathe and do your best. You’re gonna do great. Talking to yourself this way can really help. I know it helps my anxiety A LOT.

      • Olivebutter2236


        @Ella101 this works really well until you have anxiety in your body for 0 reason whatsoever which is the case for me most of the time lol.

    • CGC


      Epsom salt baths!!!!!! For any type of pain. When I’m maxed out on pain meds and nothing is helping anymore, I get a lot of relief from the bath. Especially for joint pain, the pressure is relieved so much

      • Apsonsi


        @CGC THIS is so awesome! I do the same during severe migraine and put an Amazon Echo to listen to audiobooks or background noises. Also great help if traveling for jet lag!

    • Desiig


      that once i’ve done my half it’s not my burden that i have to carry anymore

    • 55isMe


      Emdr. I had 3 migraines a day after surgery until we did this for a month. Btought it back down to my normal 1 per day.

    • Shrek97


      Had poison oak for a few weeks, nothing seemed to help, finally realized the best help was cold water, slowly leeched out the irritants, numbed my skin, Since then I use cold water to fight allergies, I can be weed whacking in shoulder high grass covered in pollen but if I can keep soaked and cool down my sinuses, then I don't sneeze or have runny nose Cold water also helps wake me up, and reduce back pain,

    • ChristineD


      EMDR and shock therapy. I did both. Both did nothing to help.

    • BestieBet


      EMDR trauma therapy. Thought it sounded like a bunch of nonsense but it’s been incredible

    • mashed_potato


      Anxiety grounding method: tapping your legs or arms (opposite sides of your body) back and forth. Always thought it was oof but asked someone to try it on me when I was freaking out and it helped a lot. It takes you out of your mind somehow Tried doing it on myself but always got too caught up in my own fear to actually make it work

    • RogueDream


      Weed gummies, they help so much and don’t have bad symptoms along with taking them.

    • Venni3


      Positive affirmations

    • Tobydottir


      5HTP combined with Melatonin to fight Seasonal Affective Disorder. It worked.

    • ChristineD


      Shock treatment. I did it 3times and killed my memory for a year or so.

      • mashed_potato


        @ChristineD yo tell me more

    • danimarie214


      Bite lemons when I Wana be mean 😂

    • Dustmann


      Tai chi. It's excellent for my schizophrenia and releases a unique cocktail of endo-cannaboids, dopamine, and serotonin. Makes you feel really good and is super for overall health. :)

    • _Robbie_


      It wasn't a suggestion but I've been happier ever since I've started making myself coffee

    • MusicalGamer


      Apple juice 👏

    • crash101


      Coping skills. 5 senses

    • Dayze


      I was an alcoholic after both my kids were taken from me or at least showing signs of becoming one. I'd never would have drank if I had known how easy it was to become and alcoholic but I had no idea I was showing all the signs even before drinking. The strangest suggestion I got was to go to rehab. Claim to be an alcoholic even if I wasn't one which at the time I didn't believe I was one cause it wasn't taking over my life, YET. I claimed to be an alcoholic and went anyway. They had the best therapists, the best meds that finally worked, and if you finish the program they help you with housing and so on. Although I didn't finish the program, the meds and therapy I got there helped me alot and had I not gone I would've been a full fledged alcoholic cause that's where my cptsd was leading me.

    • MissFirefly


      My psychiatrist told me to take a shot or two of whiskey before bed every night so I would sleep better…… 🙃 So I never actually tried this per say, but sometimes I do have a glass of wine in the evenings to relax.

      • Dayze


        @MissFirefly they could lose their license for that advice cause if the wrong person takes that advice they could become addicted to it

    • Belugabear


      Ketamine! Somehow it worked even though I thought it was some dangerous drug. I mean it is, but when administered correctly it’s a miracle worker! I’m so glad I found out about it and am so thankful to my doctor who administers it!

    • cinnamon_sunlight


      That almost nothing is more important than you surviving and coping with a panic attack when you’re having one. Everything else can wait.

    • maic


      Practicing mindfulness and regularly acknowledging gratitudes

    • Gunnar


      Cannabis. Everyone thought I would wig out on it, but I didn't.

    • Evantha


      Yes especially if you work...but who cares ..stay 🙏

    • EatenByWormy


      Maybe not “strange” but literally, supplementing w vitamin d :| I’m a poc in the south, but I work in an optometry clinic and most of my work area doesn’t even have windows 💀 had no clue I had seasonal depression!

    • freyaslady


      I've never actually tried this one to see if it would work but I've often had people tell me to try "shrooms" to help with my mental health issues. I dissociate and lose touch with reality on my own, how would a halucinogen help that?

      • Nal


        @freyaslady yess I’ve been meaning to do this myself, I actually have problems with dissociation too mainly when I’m around people but when I’m by myself too, nd I actually did use to acid never shrooms tho,,, but micro dosing!! Idk if u’ve been told this already but if u micro dose them u get all the benefits without the strong “hallucinations” or altered state of mind I guess but yah I’ve been to try micro dosing it’s very beneficial.

    • Soskae


      Blood pressure medication for an autoimmune condition or a contraceptive to make me more fertile. 🙃

    • LyraDaenestra


      Drink water, and focus on each of the senses one at a time and attach them slowly to the room you are in.

      • LyraDaenestra


        @LyraDaenestra I thought it was funny when my mom said "look at the colors"

    • LadyTauriel


      Caffenieted beverage and a banana for migraines. It doesn't make it completely go away, but it's made them tolerable.

    • Vi.Vi


      Lighting those sticks that smell good. What are they called? Incense? Sure my lungs are sensitive and I couldn't breath for a solid minute, but it was actually pretty calming.

    • TechWrecha


      Aroma therapy with essential oils and meditation works for my bipolar type 2 disorder. Aroma therapy is a game changer

    • IndigoBro


      Acupuncture for migraine. And leg cramp massage opposite limb (Right leg cramping? Massage left arm) crazy but they worked

    • regularsizedrudy


      Chase your motivation

    • greenolive0611


      Get yourself to the beach! Salt water cures everything

    • MusicalGamer


      Musical therapy 😊

    • paigedeas


      If you can’t think of anything to say in a social group, don’t put pressure on yourself to do so. If you’re going to be boring, be boring and eventually you might get tired of it. Listen to other people, don’t keep thinking of the next thing you’re going to say, enjoy the conversation.

    • coffeemama


      Micro dosing 🍄 for mental health and all around state of mind. It has been a God send. I encourage everyone who has no energy, struggles with brain fog, and depression to look into it.

      • Nal


        @coffeemama I’ve actually been doing quite a bit of research on that I’ve been meaning to do it,, I jus don’t rlly trust where ima get it from, like if it’s gonna be laced or sum. I rlly wanna try cus I love natural things, I’ve stopped taking prescription medicine nd switched to supplements nd cbd, but deffff wanna include micro dosing

    • Colocho


      smoking nicotine for anxiety

      • Nal


        @Colocho I’ve been smoking nic for awhileee nd my anxiety still obnoxiously bad. Maybe cus I’ve been doing it too much for so long but

    • Keatichie


      Ice water helps with panic attacks... and pickle juice instantly stops cramps.

      • Nal


        @Keatichie does the pickle juice actually work that well I might have to try that, Tylenol don’t even help me with that

    • TheLeoLady


      Movement is medicine.

    • Sydari



    • NanN


      I started getting I.V. infusions of the Amino Acid Glutithione. That stuff is liquid GOLD! It helps clear the free radicals from the body, resulting in a major boost in your energy level. I'm quite chronically ill, and have a great deal of chronic pain. This supplement gave me my life back, for the most part. I could clean my house, prep my meals for the week (and most of the time cook as much as I was going to eat for the whole week), do all my laundry, and more. The best part is, after having such a busy day, I didn't wake up feeling drained the next day. There are daily doses of glutithione available, and that's what I've been using since the infusions didn't synch up with the $$$ in my bank account. I'd have it done at least weekly if I had the $$$. It's amazing stuff.

    • Teresaa



    • Simionwestand


      Talking it with someone you trust or confronting the person that might be bothering you

    • mynewfriend


      Using an ice pack or heat pad on my perineum for bladder related pain. It's an uncomfortable place to put anything of any temperature but it works.

    • Kimb


      The carnivore way of eating.

    • Sunflowerchild8


      When having shortness of breath, eat white bread. Sounds crazy, but it actually helped me each time.

    • Kandy


      When I’m anxious I should draw on myself

    • keshwh


      JC0201 Same!

    • keshwh


      Prayer. Give me a break.

    • Jimmy_Z


      To stop an oncoming sneeze look directly into a bright light and say pineapple. It works every time.

    • daBison


      Taking Vit B17 ( Laetrile) for PC. My PSA started to drop before I jumped to traditional treatments. It went from a 96 to a 78 before any radiation or hormonal treatment began.

    • SunniMay


      Putting your face in a bowl of ice water - works pretty good to help with panic or feeling dissociated. Also, I’ve used the war head trick (sour candy) this seems to help bring your focus back.

      • Nal


        @SunniMay I haven’t tried the war head thing or the bowl of ice but I have thrown myself into a really cold shower, it shocked me back for a sec but then I went back to feeling the same.. ima have to try that tho, nothing really works that well with my dissociation.

    • Emily_Roth



    • BSkye


      Buttered toast kind of calms you down? Idk why

      • CGC


        @BSkye cause it’s yummmyyy

    • JC0201


      Umm - hope I don’t offend anyone, but orgasms have helped my migraines more than once.


      • Bthatonebish


        @JC0201 seriously? U must be a man? 😥

    • Medically_Challenged


      Homeopathic treatment! I’ve learned that despite the science vs nature battle between homeopathic and doctors have with one another I think having both of these treatments in my life at the same time has gotten me the closest I’ve ever been to being healthy

      • StrugglinMama


        @Medically_Challenged what homeopathic treatment have u done? Is there anything I can do for pain from rheumatoid arthritis and lupus

        • Bthatonebish


          @StrugglinMama following

      • TheLeoLady


        @Medically_Challenged agreed🌻🧡

    • saggee


      Journaling and noting what was causing pain and how I’m feeling throughout the day. It’s helped me notice unhelpful patterns or coping mechanisms and what could trigger pain in my hips.

      • Ricosgirl_77


        @saggee ❤️ I have started doing this recently and it is so helpful!🤗

        • CmcC


          @Ricosgirl_77 same here! Really helps 😊

    • Dede1981


      @kya benadryl is supposed to work for anxiety because doctors normally give you an antihistamine for anxiety

      • Bthatonebish


        @Dede1981 benzos work too , 😂😉✌️

    • Lady_Bug


      Telling someone to not worry is easier said than done

    • Rudemister


      Nothing is strange or weird when your life is just matter of time , we all will die someday butt you 🙏 for more time 💕

    • Bella01


      I use the Dare App and also throw cold water on my face to shake me back to reality

      • Apsonsi


        @Bella01 what is the Dare app?

    • lingerieK


      Iron infusions

    • Rudemister



    • Rudemister


      Insides are not feeling normal

    • Rudemister


      Agree CBD helps a lot, I just wish my wife would take my condition more seriously. I look and act normal healthy butt insides are feeling normal !

    • JustRachelle


      Marijuana… and it’s crazy that it’s illegal but helps with so many things


    • MedievalMaiden


      Yes Benadryl in theory would work for anxiety! Antihistamines are often prescribed for anxiety (I’m on hydroxyzine) and they block histamines in your body which cause anxiety, and itching!

    • DizzyRay


      Witchhazel is good for a lot of stuff! It stops pain, burning and itching! Example....usually used for hemroids...well can also be used for (outer parts) yeast infections and like I said much more!!

    • MsUndaztood


      I have recently been put on Hydroxide 3 times a day

    • MsUndaztood


      I have that vagus nerve. Makes me crazy.

    • simm


      coughing when I feel like I'm gonna pass out, I think it's some kinda vagus nerve wizardry but it low key works


      • hesmrmann


        @simm DEF going to try this next time my brain decides seeing a small amount of my own blood means it's time to be unconscious

    • Adiane22


      Reminding myself that what others think of me isn’t important.


    • Annabeth_Jackson


      To lay down on the floor during a heart episode with high heart rate

    • Hale



    • Bijoux_bean22


      Baking soda water for stomach ulcer pain. Weirdest thing but it works better than prilosec or whatever and has no side effects besides the taste.

    • Moky


      Exercise for 15 - 20 minutes when having the beginning of a flare up to curb the inflammation. That shit works like a charm. Sometimes it stops it altogether.

      • StrugglinMama


        @Moky flare up of what?

    • acetroubles


      Started vaping. My doc suggested it because nicotine has been proven to cut down on flaire ups

      • Kimb


        @acetroubles do you use zero nicotine juice? I like it and just got one that is vitamins.

        • StrugglinMama


          @Kimb what brand has vitamins in it?!?? I'm super curious I've been saying they need a B Vitamin one .. I swear by my b vitamins for my daily energy

    • Jules26


      Magnesium instead of prednisone- had an IV bag last time I was in the ER and it’s so much better and doesn’t give you the shakes! Also, meditation- it helps both mentally and physically


      • StrugglinMama


        @Jules26 where do I begin with meditation? Like how do I do it what do I do?

        • LotusFlower


          @StrugglinMama meditation is different for everyone. For me, I use different methods depending on what situation I'm in. If I'm angry I use music and walking if I'm annoyed, I turn on music and sing, if I just feel mentally overwhelmed I find meditation songs and go take a long shower. Sometimes I light incense and my oil lamp with medium light to low light, I journal, stretch, read, there are so many things to try and you can definitely use combos. I recently just learned about the 3,6,9 meditation method. I'll have to look it up again but it sounds like another great way to meditate.

    • Designhero


      QNRT, it’s weird but it works ✨

    • Dontyell


      Going to the ER to get an IV of potassium when I’ve been in a flare and puking for several days. I swear, it brings you back to life. Also, realizing that not everyone in your life is met for forever and that’s ok.


      • Bthatonebish


        @Dontyell you can always get bananas for potassium. Eat 1 daily. Faithfully. I do. If I don't my legs will be awful But you can always take a potassium supplement

    • Maddawg


      Checking my blood sugar. So far I have weird patterns. Not diagnosed with anything though

      • anxiouslywaiting


        @Maddawg me toooo

    • SkullsAndRoses


      Delta 8 has helped a lot with pain and anxiety, and witchcraft seemed like a weird suggestion, but it’s one of the reasons I’ve gotten this far


      • Bthatonebish


        @SkullsAndRoses I belong to a group on Facebook that has the same name as urs , 😂😂😉✌️

      • StrugglinMama


        @SkullsAndRoses does Delta 8 make u tired or lazy? I have lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and a lot of ppl suggest weed for me but I have two kids and I am just not productive at all when I smoke .. I'd love to find a strain that doesn't make me sleepy and lazy because it does help with my pain at least from what I can remember the last time I smoked years ago

        • CGC


          @StrugglinMama sadly, I’ve been smoking for 10 years and have yet to find one that doesn’t make me lazy. But it helps with pain and nausea SO much. Win some lose some

    • LiveLaughLexapro


      When I was pregnant I decided, under the guidance of my psychiatrist and psychologist, to forgo my antidepressant medication for nearly the entire pregnancy. But it was difficult so my therapist recommend me just sitting outside in the sun for at least 15 minutes. I thought it didn’t matter because it wouldn’t be equivalent to Zoloft and I just had to tough it out. But I did it and it genuinely made me feel better, even when I had the baby blues. So I’m glad I took her advice!


      • Bthatonebish


        @LiveLaughLexapro yes the sun has benifits

    • Sigil


      Accupressure mats and pillows. They look like torture devices and are uncomfortable at first, but I love mine now

    • MidnightSM93


      Acupuncture but u GOTTA dedicate ljke 6 months so they can pinpoint ur locked meridian channels mostly about lost loves and death etc. torture etc.

    • jay_


      to sit with worry, “make” myself worry, let myself feel uncomfortable, think about what I would do in the situation, and let it pass


    • ContraProduction


      Eating mostly animal products raw milk and fruit

    • Venti


      *nighttime anxiety

    • Venti


      A weighted blanket to help with extra nighttime due to my delusions and hallucinations. The thing is a miracle, honestly.


    • Wintie


      Not everyone needs to how I am feeling like 24/7... And also it's not everyone's business to know what is going on either. It helped me realize that I don't need to tell everyone everything at the moment, and it's not their business either. 💗


      • Geegee9


        @Wintie 🙌well said.

      • LotusFlower


        @Wintie I'm learning this more and more. I feel like my best friend is one of the people who feel like she has a right to judge everyone and everything but no one is allowed to do that to her. It ticks me off and I've just been shutting myself down when I'm around her.

    • NaNa2Three


      Go Vegan! I didn't think I would get enough protein on a vegan diet, but I do and it gives me more energy and mental clarity.


    • Apollo08


      Mental hospital

      • Bthatonebish


        @Apollo08 😂😂🙄🙄 Seriously??

    • eggy


      others are not responsible for your triggers, you are


      • Prism37


        @eggy that's not true

        • Bthatonebish


          @Prism37 I 2nd that. Some uses your triggers to get to you. They know what it does to you too. 🙄🥺

      • TheLeoLady


        @eggy our triggers are our guides. Very true 🧡🌻

    • fireatnite


      My friend suggested taking a smaller amount of melatonin earlier (like 2 hours before sleep, not a half hour like people usually say) and that's actually been really helping me with insomnia.


      • IndigoBro


        @fireatnite I have been doing that for the past few weeks and it helps!! Those childrens 1mg lol. I feel like it somehow builds into my system over time or maybe I’m sensitive but it has been working. It especially helps with the staying asleep part. My weighted blanket too, good investment.

    • lilsquish


      if overwhelmed (having a panic attack etc.) put a war head or fireball in your mouth. it brings you back to a lvl 1. holding a carbonated drink or ice in your mouth may have the same effect.


      • ToastyToast


        @lilsquish I'll have to remember that.

    • froggiana


      emdr therapy. that stuff is whack

      • lunar__dude


        @froggiana emdr always leaves me emotionally raw for a couple days, but then I feel better and the issue bothers me less than before

      • LonelyInKC


        @froggiana It might be that the therapist is whack

    • Apollo08


      They wanted me to do shock therapy

    • Chrisco13


      @kya, Benadryl works for anxiety??? Does it make you fall asleep? I suppose if you’re asleep, you wouldn’t feel anxious, right? 🤷🏻‍♀️


      • Bthatonebish


        @Chrisco13 yes

      • KitKat1450


        @Chrisco13 the prescription version is called hydroxyzine if you want to look at research of how it works for anxiety- both antihistamines. I was prescribed this for anxiety but it makes me pass out within 30 mins of taking it. So for me it helps me not ruminate on thoughts before sleep but horrible if I take it during the day when my anxiety is the highest and is linked to memory problems so be careful with testing it out if you don’t regularly take Benadryl. The only reason I still take it is because I have chronic sinusitis and terrible seasonal allergies and that helps more than over the counter antihistamines since I’ve actually needed it for that lately.I would say do some research first into the effects since these are anticholinergic meds to make sure it won’t worsen other symptoms.

        • Nal


          @KitKat1450 yah that’s what I don’t like abt it I like taking it when I’m anxious at night but like I feel like I can’t take it during the day, cus I already struggle with low energy. I just want sum that’ll help me with panic attacks or jus being really anxious during the day without having to feel tired or sleepy.

      • BestLife


        @Chrisco13 rt

    • Molls


      Eating apple sauce to help me poop 😂


      • CmcC


        @Molls does it really work? 😅

        • Shawn20


          @CmcC there's fiber in apples so yes though prunes are more effective just don't eat too many prunes

    • devlove


      my therapist has always told me that i shouldn't worry too much about things out of my control and that helps me get through everything


    • Kya


      It worked for me, helped me to relax but if you do it all the time you’ll find it won’t work as good

    • glimmyglam


      Benadryl for anxiety works? I'll definitely have to try that it's so hard to get medicated

      • Rays


        @glimmyglam yes! Hydroxyzine is an anxiety med, it’s essentially just an extra strength Benadryl. They’re both antihistamines. Some people find benefit taking antihistamines with their antidepressants!

        • Bthatonebish


          @Rays no no no. 😥

    • Kya


      Benadryl for anxiety


      • mashed_potato


        @Kya wait really???

        • kittyrose


          @mashed_potato I learned from my pcp that antihistamines and anti anxiety meds like hydroxyzine come from the same family:)

    • Pfeiffer


      Sound therapy and breath work.


      • Geegee9


        @Pfeiffer I also do breath work and enjoy doing it. It’s more for my anxieties and depression as well :)

      • ouchysince2001


        @Pfeiffer I do toning every morning with a crystal singing bowl. It is the best of both worlds! What sound therapy helps you?

      • QTpie7260


        @Pfeiffer what kind of sound therapy?

      • Shrek97


        @Pfeiffer I always thought breath work was to calm you down, but I was surprised when a counselor had me do exercises that challenged me woke me up got me pumped, I was working on breaking addictions, it helped me hold out better

    • Apollo08


      Pills I was forced to take that made me worse

      • Ksmi


        @Apollo08 same here, damn near scared me straight, except now I get anxious when the depression tries to come in bc I think it’s going to be how the meds made me :/

    • glimmyglam


      Lmao self isolation it made me feel like I was really alone but after a week I was really comfortable with just being alone (sorta) but it helped me really think through, and work past just being emotional


    • Ceig


      Smoke a little pot for the pain from the IBD and Ulcerative Colitis. Three puffs and it was gone. I thought it was a miracle 🤗


      • DorothyLoves80s


        @Ceig me too ❤️

        • Bthatonebish


          @DorothyLoves80s I 2nd the weed. I can't barely go without it. I don't really eat without it. If I don't eat my body will get weird and I'll get dizzy. And I do it to help my freaking pain. Ughh

      • nubiansunflwr


        @Ceig I definitely recommend a little weed for your pain symptoms especially if you have lupus or arthritis symptoms!

        • StrugglinMama


          @nubiansunflwr I have lupus and rheumatoid arthritis but I can't function well on weed.. tho someone told me there is a difference in indica and sativa... Don't remember which is which tho

      • livvie361


        @Ceig I found it helped my fibromyalgia, especially edibles. It either helped the pain or I was too high to care if I wad in pain


        • MNVikingfan


          @livvie361 I’ve found that edibles help the most too. Only time I’m not in pain. Downside is they make me so sleepy.

        • Trudie_tootie


          @livvie361 do you know what strains you had?

      • Victorious


        @Ceig me too

    • DeepValuePrimate


      Self regulating biology


      • deardiary


        @DeepValuePrimate ^ me too

      • not_b00bs


        @DeepValuePrimate tell me more

    • Mos_Def


      Realizing that what a single person thinks about you is not what EVERYONE thinks about you.


      • Shrek97


        @Mos_Def this happens to me all the time Usually if I can say hi how's it going to a few people they say good, they ask me, I say good, it gets me out of my head

      • cjness


        @Mos_Def yes! I am so not good at that.

    • Loblolly


      To take an alka seltzer to control my shaking symptoms. It’s not necessarily strange, but it always makes my symptoms significantly less.


      • Bthatonebish


        @Loblolly what? Alka seltzer?

        • Apsonsi


          @Bthatonebish Yeah, my mom got this suggestion from an Allergist she worked for, only he said Alka Seltzer Gold. Something about how it can help block things you are sensitive to. (In my case, food triggers for migraine.)

    • sweetpea8



    • sweetpea8



    • Nat123


      Not much helping but people not listening to my needs .


      • Bre19


        @Nat123 this is way too relatable

      • mashed_potato


        @Nat123 sad this is so relatable 😅

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