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Updated 10mo ago

Stopping Prednisone after Kidney Transplant: Is it Safe?

I've been on Predisone for 7 years straight with my 2nd kidney transplant, and it is now causing severe joint pain and deterioration. My question is, has anyone stopped taking their Prednisone with their Nephrologists permission and, actually how important is Prednisone to our transplant routine?

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i have never been on prednisone. most places are now phasing it out of the post transplant regimen. most of the time it is only vital to take it if you have a disease that can damage your new kidney that’s autoimmune usually, have a higher chance of rejection or have had multiple instances of rejection



I've had 1 transplant that rejected but only because I jad the flu and couldn't keep the anti rejection meds down. I know prednisone helps with inflammation, but I feel like it's just hurting me more. I've asked my Nephrologist multiple times if I could stop taking it, and he says no.



Since you’re on your second transplant, what symptoms did you start feeling when the first one was failing? I’ve been having back pain recently and headaches just starting. I’ve been sick for the past two weeks with a common cold but I always am thinking about my kidney failing and it scares me. I’m only on year 3

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