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Updated 11mo ago

How to stop traumatic memories from spiraling?

does anyone know how to stop your memories from spiraling from one traumatic memory to another? I can handle most PTSD episodes but what I can't handle is the hours of hours of trauma rollercoaster memories. anyone have any ideas that could help?

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So when I am experiencing those sorts of repetitive thoughts I think what helps me the most is to write down the thoughts or let myself experience them to a certain degree but then internally just fight each thought off just over and over try to fight the negatives with some form of positive thought and while doing this start distracting myself with something. Like TV or going outside and focusing on the sounds around me. Something kinda weird I’ve started doing is go outside and just listen for birds and when I hear a bird I try to go find where they are or what type they are and then focus on some other sound whether it’s another bird or something else and really let my mind focus on what’s around me. I don’t know why but it really has helped me get out of my head lately!



i'm definitely going to have to try that. I just had a massive break down at the gas station cuz it was full of people and a lady I was talking to got really close to me and grabbed my arm and I fought with everything i could to not break down in there and then when i got back to my car I just lost it and started hyperventilating and crying. All because someone i didn't know touched me. My husband thinks it was ptsd related but I'm not sure cuz i've never had that happen. I'm definitely gonna take your advice though it's very helpful and i appreciate it. Thank you!



Mindfulness! It’s really hard and takes a lot of practice but try to observe your thoughts as they come up and let them go, returning to your breath and what you’re doing in the present moment. Try to make yourself do something and only focus on one thing at a time. (Therapist here!!!)



I watch TV to get my mind off of the obsessive thoughts when my PTSD is triggered. It always works if I focus on something that gets my mind off of things. It could be other things for other people. Prayer is the most successful thing I have ever done. I will lay down and pray and pray until I can get into a meditative state. If you focus on others or something else you like it helps! Plus the power of prayer works! You may be praying over and over for God to get your mind back into the peacefulness it deserves to be in! He knows what your going through. He has a plan for you! He will help you in His time. But praying for others and for yourself will help settle your mind and get you into a meditative relaxed state! Just keep your prayers detailed and it helps. Prayers for you 🙏❤️. Let me know if this helps you as it has me!! Oh! Also you must get therapy to learn copping skills otherwise it will be very difficult to handle when your not even being triggered. I am just now doing this!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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