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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Stomach Issues and Needing Advice

Hello! I'm duplicity and I'm new here. I've been struggling for a long time with stomach issues that have recently been getting a lot worse. They suspect that i have ulcerative colitis but have not given me an official diagnosis yet. I've been having issues with urgency and needing to use the bathroom every 30 minutes or so and I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help with this issue. Is using anti-diarrheal medications safe with this condition? I'm a pianist so I play for long periods of time without being able to get up and use the restroom so this is affecting my ability to play quite a bit....any help would be greatly appreciated!

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I know it can be expensive, but see if you can get a colonoscopy. Once they get in there they should be able to see if it is UC. Honestly, I had to be nearly bleeding out before the doctors figured out what was going on and I really, really, really, hope it doesn't get that bad for you. Other than getting a proper diagnosis(and even after that), one of the best things I have found is to figure out what foods you are sensitive to and avoid them like the plague. This is a long and rather painful process, but here's hoping the doctors figure out what is going on here soon!



There was something my Mom did that helped us find my food sensitivities pretty quickly and that was a hair analysis. If you can do that, that could help you remove inflammatory foods from your diet quicker and perhaps provide some relief. That test showed that I was sensitive to eggs and removing eggs from my diet made ALL the difference. Hope this helps!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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