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Updated 11mo ago

Starting Zoloft and Scared of Side Effects

Starting zoloft (sertraline) and I’m soo scared of the side effects! I just don’t want to feel “high” I took a Tylenol 3 one time at the hospital and I freaked out so I’m hopping it’s not like that.

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My experience: I have been on Sertraline for 7 years and experienced basically no side effects. No “high” feeling or anything else. Just like someone turned down the volume on my Anxiety Radio. It has been a very good med for me!



Definitely what they above said! It's scary to think somethings altering your brain or mood. I know I asked my Mom like 3 times "you would tell me if I was bad different right?" She answered in the same tone all 3 times "sweety you're happier in the good times and not less sad during the bad times but more in control".

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