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Updated 3mo ago

Starting Zoloft Again After 2 Months - Need Advice

Hi I am starting zoloft again, but this has been hard because I haven’t touched the bottle in like 2 months. What was your experience in the first couple weeks of starting an antidepressant? I am really nervous for short term and long term affects

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It takes time for it to build up in your system, don't be discouraged if the first few weeks you don't feel any different. I haven't had too many side effects on the crazy amount of meds i've tried. Maybe some headaches here and there, but nothing too bad! Don't worry too much, just be patient with it!



Zoloft didn't work for me, but I seem to be touchy with medications. I'm on my 3rd anxiety med and it seems to be working! I got off of it because I didn't like the numbness I felt at a higher dose and the lower dose didn't do enough. Don't drink alcohol in excess while you're on it and you should avoid the bad stuff. It made me even more of a lightweight than I already am - I'd get drunk off of a fourth of a glass of wine. The medication I'm on now (buspirone) doesn't interact with alcohol nearly as much and doesn't make me numb!! If Zoloft isn't the right thing for you, you can keep trying until you find something that does :)



How long have you been on buspirone? I am considering trying that medication.



How long should I try a medication before knowing? I am nuerodivergent so reading my body can actually be incredibly hard sometimes!!!



Me too!! Such a pain sometimes. Any anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med needs a good several weeks to know if it's helping or hurting - neurotypical or neurodivergent. I find that looking for concrete signs helps me determine how I'm feeling. Am I crying? Is my chest tight? Am I more or less tired than I was a month ago? Do I want to see friends more? Etc. Keeping a log is helpful too! Dalio is a good app.



the worst part about starting is how long it takes to notice any kind of effect or change. start by jotting down how you feel now (before starting)— things like how long youre sleeping, your weight, etc. then in a couple of months, do this again now that you’ve been taking the meds. helps navigate tracking side effects too

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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