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Updated 10mo ago

Considering a Service Dog for Seizures: Need Advice

I feel that a service dog would be extremely beneficial to me. we've already determined that whatever is causing my seizures can be alerted beforehand with a dog that knows the signs. the problem is I have no money and I don't live alone (my mom doesn't want any more animals in the house). I'd have to research the best dog breed for the job, see if I can get one for a low price, then train it myself if I don't wanna go into severe debt and possibly even travel since there's no service dog trainers near me. Ive never trained a dog even for simple tricks but I know there's a lot of misinformation about training methods everywhere... if any of you have trained a service dog yourself could I maybe get some preemptive tips for if I decide to go through with this??

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My first service dogs were 2 border collies they were sisters the worked well together on the training, One was a guide for my blind brother one was a hearder for my other brother who has asd and would run off. So training from a Pup is essential. So toilet training Walking Commands ect Best to get the dog snipped or dressed at 6months old Watch what treats you give aswell. Keep to there vet checks every 6months/yearly check up. Most likely a medium size dog would be good staffy's and collies and labs are good for people with most health reasons. Always go see both parents if possible.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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