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Updated 11mo ago

Self-Diagnosing Autism: Is it Enough?

As a person with autism, do you think it’s enough to self diagnose, or do you think an official diagnosis is needed? I’ve been very sure for a long time now that I’m autistic, and I’ve done my research, too, but I’m afraid that if I don’t get the official diagnosis, and I say that I’m autistic, that people will think I’m just looking for attention, or something.

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Self diagnosis is valid! I was diagnosed by my therapist. But a doctor who is not familiar with female autism says I don't have it. So I'm considered self diagnosed. And is helped me so much knowing that there's a reason for some of my issues. There's groups on Facebook that really helped me feel less alone especially with my "self diagnosis"



That how I feel! I am self diagnosis too



Self diagnosis is super valid. I got diagnosed last week but for a long time had so many issues scheduling an evaluation, but still told people I am autistic. The diagnosis would be most important if you ever need to show documentation for accommodations. There are people who complain about self diagnosis but they do not understand all of the barriers to diagnosis of autism and other conditions.



Self diagnosis is totally understandable and acceptable. Tbh I wish I'd had the self awareness to self diagnose before I received an official dx because it likely would have made me more likely to accept what I was being told rather than getting upset about it. I also could have already been doing things to mitigate my more distressing symptoms. Nothing but love and support for all the self-dxed autistic folks out there!



Self diagnosis is valid :) if you have the ability to, I would see a doctor just in case. Always give any diagnosis a little move to wiggle, professionals and people can sometime be wrong. I’ve been diagnosed with Autism when I was probably about 5? However my parents greatly downplayed it and it’s easier to ignore when I’m masking and plus the fact that I’m a girl who takes social cues from others. Self diagnosis are going to be even more valid now that admins are revising the ASD criteria list by limiting the components, so they are making it harder to get diagnosed.



self diagnosis is absolutely valid!! a diagnosis is a privilege not everyone has access to. no one should expect you to be diagnosed, since there are many things that could make it inaccessible to you.



IMO it is completely valid IF you seem to show continuous symptoms. My dad reguses to get me diagnosed but even my doctor agrees im showing symptoms of possible autisim

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