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2y ago

Tired of Self-Diagnosed Mental Illnesses

k. so may be controversial, but is there anyone else on here that isn’t a self diagnosed kid with 18 different conditions? i get matched with ‘alikes’ because they have chosen absolutely every single ‘trendy’ mental illnesses. no offense but i’m tired of it.

Your answer



1y ago

I haven't experienced that. Is it like you talk to them and it comes out they don't really have a diagnosis, otherwise how do you know they don't have it?


1y ago

I’d really like to make friends who also struggle with an eating disorder I feel very alone in it right now. If anyone also wants this please message me


2y ago

It can definitely be frustrating. I disengage so i don't get angry and just remind myself that kids sometimes try and latch onto things like self diagnoses to understand themselves and they're misinformed, not malicious


2y ago

Lol for sure I get that a lot of people self diagnose but I have had all my disorders diagnosed by professionals just to let you know there are some out there lol


2y ago

this app is also kinda weird about like,,, "generalized" grouping. I put in my pectus excavatum and it sorted that into a category for congenital deformities???? no, it's not congenital, pectus excavatum usually doesn't appear until adolescence and that was the case with me. it's weird


2y ago

some people really are that sick. it would better serve you to take people at their word and be wrong about it than to accuse others of faking illnesses, especially when you don't know them at all. they're kids, they're just trying to figure themselves out and probably don't have access to mental health care


2y ago

I actually haven't actually run into this issue, a couple of typical self diagnosis but nothing fake or ingenuine.


2y ago

I’ve been professionally diagnosed with everything in my profile except for BPD. Definitely get where you’re coming from. Usually I see people with more than 10 disorders, but it’s good not to judge. Learned that the hard way.


2y ago

I’ve been officially diagnosed with everything on my profile besides schizoaffective (which sorted me into schizophrenia when I chose it) I have bipolar 1 with psychotic symptoms, but suspect it’s actually schizoaffective, but even if I’m wrong I get more information and coping mechanisms for hallucinations and other psychosis symptoms through that illness’s posts


2y ago

I think this is a strange platform to be "trending" on. I've been medically diagnosed by doctors with all my mental illnesses, but still I personally feel like if some people are on here pushing mental illnesses they don't have, it may have to do with something else unhealthy in their lives. Either an actual mental illness untreated or a cry for help which isn't great since this is a support but hopefully they can get the aid and comfort they need too to help them. You can still have things just because a doctor hasn't diagnosed them. I was sure I had anxiety as a child that was called just being shy or antisocial until I finally got one. Exploring and hearing other people struggle with the same things as you can help and lead to a better life of recovery over time. Especially since different spectrum and ranges of anxiety and depression are common, these two can be a big thing both not easy to deal with regarding. That is just how I feel on this self diagnosis issue 😥


2y ago

I know exactly what you mean. For years I denied my ailments because I honestly didn’t want to seem like one of those people. Those people who make suicide jokes but have never felt that way a day in their life. I’ve met so many people like this. I knew this girl when I was 11-13, she was a pathological liar and still is. I don’t associate with her anymore, but I’ve heard and seen from afar that she hasn’t changed her ways even though we are 18 now. She would lie to everyone and tell us she had been in a “mental hospital” before, and that she had depression anxiety ocd was bipolar and all sorts of dumb shit. She used to make fake scars with makeup and tell us she was self harming. She lied about a myriad of other things that weren’t mental illness related but just as gross. Another girl I knew, I was walking with her one day and she stopped in her tracks and said “I think I’m having an anxiety attack” she was another liar so I didn’t believe it but tried to show my support. I didn’t want to seem like a bad person. Then she said she was fine and laughed and said “you probably have never had something like this” in a very ridiculing tone. As if her “having anxiety” (which she did not) and me supposedly not knowing about anxiety was a flex on her end. I didn’t say anything but she doesn’t know what goes on in my life and I was diagnosed with anxiety at the time. I have many stories like this and they hurt a lot.


2y ago

this kind of behavior makes me so so mad. Dm me if you need to rant about it!


2y ago

Mental illness has become a trend. I have been diagnosed with everything via a doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist. Like others have said, some people can’t get diagnosed because of lack of health insurance or lack of healthcare opportunities or lack of doctors taking them seriously. But there have become a significantly higher amount of people self-diagnosing lately because they want the attention or the label. I’m not saying everyone who is self-diagnosed is lying, but it happens, and it’s frustrating to us who actually have these diseases and disorders to cope with. I bet it’s frustrating to those self-diagnosed who actually suffer from it to not be taking seriously because of all the other self-diagnosed individuals who do it for fun.. Let’s all just be honest with ourselves and others..


2y ago

Professionally dx with all four of my mental illnesses.. 😢


2y ago

herpes and migraines aren’t mental illnesses


2y ago

I’m professionally diagnosed with gastroparesis, alopecia and they both suck


2y ago

I was professionally diagnosed with mine but when I tell other people they are like ‘I have the same disorders’. And I get excited that someone can relate to me. But no they don’t know what I’m talking about, or understand the treatments and struggles because they just assumed they have it. Makes me feel alone and like a joke


2y ago

I’ve been diagnosed with all of em :/


2y ago

Everything I currently have listed I’ve been diagnosed with except for the “chronic tics”. I have yet to find a doctor who knows what is causing the tics/tic-like things.


2y ago

I am officially diagnosed, but I hear what you are saying. Self diagnosis bothers me, because people go to school for years to have the authority and knowledge to diagnose. If you think you have something, talk to your doctor about it. Now I know not everyone has access to the healthcare to get diagnosed and I wish that were different. So I see both sides. But I don’t think you should tell others you have something when officially, you don’t.


2y ago

agreed. There's a big difference between self diagnosis as a last resort to get care, and self diagnosis because the person just wants to feel special and quirky and get Oppression Points on social media.


2y ago

1000%. Makes me not want to use the app sometimes. I have sadly been "officially" diagnosed with all of my issues. If you are self-diagnosed because you don't have access to adequate healthcare, this post isn't directed at you!! I am sorry you're in that position and I hope you can find relief someday.


2y ago

I’ve been diagnosed with all of mine


2y ago

I only have 3 and ive tried denying them for years... It is crazy to mw how people can try and pretend to have something then openly play as it to people who actually do.


2y ago

i'm diagnosed with everything i've listed, except i'm only like... "recognized" w/ ocd since my therapist thinks it's a big possibility i'm also dealing with that and i wanted to talk to ppl with/see conversations surrounding similar symptoms, but i get what you mean 100%, i try to be wary (but respectful as long as they are) of ppl under 18 with a big list of disorders lol. i do try to be understanding of ppl who don't have access to proper healthcare, BUT i have come across my fair share of self dxers that go so far as to be ANTI prof. diagnosis???? i get the healthcare system is fucked but to say doctors are ableist for not trusting your tiktok dxed autism is odd. it's a balancing act sometimes.


2y ago

I didn't even know you could input your own information, they just copied mine down from my patient portal


2y ago

I am professionally diagnosed, but I know some people don’t have that option. I had to fight with insurance for a whole year to even get neuropsych testing. Self-diagnosis is some peoples only option.


2y ago

Unfortunately all of mine a professionally diagnosed. @casha I totally hate when people pretend to have them because they think it’s cool. It’s not cool and I would love not to have my physical or mental disorders


2y ago

yeah i definitely see a lot of people who have like EVERY mental illness and i’m like is this real or…?


2y ago

Hi. I’ve been professionally diagnosed with all my conditions.


2y ago

unfortunately, i am diagnosed with every condition on my page. some people really are that sick.


2y ago

Adult with legit pile of disorders and pile of drugs and doctors to back it up. I understand the sentiment though.


2y ago

All my stuff is officially diagnosed.


2y ago

I am one of them. I hate it.


2y ago

All of my conditions were diagnosed by my doctors, and I fully understand why anyone would be tired of the imposters, it's not fair to those of us that are really suffering.


2y ago

yes agreed it’s selfish and unfair of them. Those of us who have the problems don’t deserve to see them romanticized like these people do


2y ago

Got diagnosed with something new with every damn psych inpatient stay. So while mine may be fairly new, I can affirm there is a clinical diagnosis behind it.


2y ago

That’s odd. Hasn’t been my experience at all.


2y ago

I agree! Since when did having a mental illness/health issue become trendy and cute? I am professionally diagnosed with all of mine as well, except we are unsure of what is really going on with my gut health.


2y ago

I wish I didn’t have the mental illnesses I have. I’d give anything not to flip like a light switch. I’d give anything not have thoughts of self harm and I’d give anything to just feel truly happy. I completely agree. I’m tired of people thinking it’s trendy or using it as an excuse to act a certain way.


2y ago

I have 2, anxiety I've been told by several counselors and doctors I have as a disorder (most likely GAD), don't really have a formal piece of paper from a psychiatrist though. Autism I am self diagnosed but that is because of lack of resources for AFAB self sufficient folks, I am trying to find someone willing to actually evaluate me. I was told by daycare/teachers since I was 4 that I probably have autism and should be evaluated, parents never did (well they told me parents as a kid, me as an adult when I spoke to them about it). So for now self diagnosis is what I have.


2y ago

getting taken seriously as an adult wanting to be tested is so difficult. Fortunately my therapist agreed I have many tendencies that lean toward ASD, so he is having me evaluated.


2y ago

Yep same. Everything is diagnosed, and its not fun. Like i get that some people dont have access, so i have different opinions on that part, but i feel like everyone on tiktok is self diagnosing with bpd (i dont have that, thats just the main one i see)


2y ago

ohh gotcha, I can definitely see how it would be frustrating. The RAADS-R test is used to scale where you are compared to others in the spectrum :)


2y ago

I'm, unfortunately, professionally diagnosed with all of mine except anorexia.


2y ago

I'm definitely planning on getting mine diagnosed. Nobody takes me seriously until I spend my time with a doctor for them to agree. Same thing happened with my now diagnosed major depressive disorder and anxiety. I understand the point you're making but not everyone has easy access to get diagnosed :) I have taken the RAADS-R test online and was scored with a 152.


2y ago

i definitely worded it wrong. i responded to another comment saying that (unfortunately) people who think mental illness is an aesthetic are more often than not self diagnosed. i’m not trying to belittle those who don’t have the resources necessary to get diagnosed i just find it concerning that some people like to pretend that they have a mental illness to feel special or different. I really don’t mean to come off as someone who doesn’t believe those who are self diagnosed. i’m just frustrated, I got fixated on watching a bunch of fake claim videos on youtube and i’m just kindof sickened by the extent people go to.


2y ago

Keep in mind not everyone has access to care for a variety of reasons


2y ago

but even then self-diagnosing doesnt help bcuz u cant get help for it


2y ago

it’s not necessarily people who are self diagnosed, i completely understand that not everyone can get diagnosed. Whether it’s an issue with their guardians not believing them or a lack of health care. Its more that I’m tired of people thinking this is an “aesthetic” and that having mental illness is ‘quirky’ and makes them interesting. Typically when someone uses it as a personality trait instead of an illness they are also self diagnosed because no dr in their right mind would diagnose them. No hate to those who are actually self diagnosed because they can’t get the help they need. I think im just concerned that people on here aren’t who they say they are and that they could be using this for fact checking to make sure their fake illness comes off as real.


2y ago

mine are sadly legit. i actually denied my issues for years.


2y ago

Hi, I'm professionally diagnosed with all of my conditions. I'm also tired of my illnesses and disabilities becoming a trendy identity for people to pretend to have on social media.


2y ago

I have been professionally diagnosed with my illnesses also


2y ago

I think there’s a difference from making it trendy to spreading awarness tbh if people didn’t share like for example gastroparesis then there wouldn’t be like new stuff for it ways we can get a diagnosis or to help others with the condition find there way threw living with it tips and stuff so no I don’t fully agree with u I do agree tho that they need to stop pretending they have it if they are pretending but a lot of people are spreading awareness for illnesses

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