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Updated 10mo ago

Seeking Advice on Two New Medications

I reached out to my doctor yesterday about maybe starting two new medications. One medication I want to help with my maybe hypersomnia, because I have the problem where I stay up all/most of the night sometimes and take frequent naps throughout the day. The other medication I wanna be put on is called clomipramine. It not only serves as an antidepressant, but helps with OCD tendencies as well. I don't have OCD but I have trichotillomania, and I heard clomipramine helps with that as well. My appointment with her is at the end of the month. Anyone have any advice about either medication?

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I don’t have OCD, but do have OCD tendencies (and possibly OCPD), and trichtillomania, please let us know what you find out!



I'm very afraid of taking meds for my Trich as it usually hits my adhd problems and makes them worse. Please let me know how the trich meds go for you. My trich is related more to anxiety and adhd. Trich is a very encompassing disorder, but there seems to be three causes according to the research I've done: OCD (less common), Boredom, and anxiety (most common)

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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