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Updated 10mo ago

Seeking Advice on Buspirone Medication

I just recently started taking buspirone (5mg 3x a day) on top of my zoloft, can anyone on here who's tried buspirone let me know if you could see any noticeable results/what results you saw, side effects, etc? that would be amazing!

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I've been on buspirone for over 2 years. I now take 20mg 2x daily and with all my other medicine I have seen an improvement in my anxiety. I'm still working on my depression tho.



YES! Hi! I've been taking buspirone for almost a year now. I noticed an improvement in my anxiety about 1½ weeks after starting it. I take 15mg 3x a day and do not experience any side effects. I absolutely LOVE this medication, it gave me my life back. Hope it works for you, too!



thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed to hear! I've had pretty bad struggles with switching and trying new meds, especially with the side effects. but this one hasn't given me any and I'm really hoping that if I keep it up it'll do its thing!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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