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Updated 11mo ago

Scary GERD Symptoms: Nausea, Shortness of Breath, and Vomiting

I’m so in shock, just had a scary moment due to GERD symptoms. (TW: gross, v*mit) I was about to go to bed but I felt so nauseous and short of breath, I was also laughing really hard at TikTok’s with my bf so that made it worse, and it got to a point that I was scared I might puke. Which terrified me so I got in the shower to maybe clear my airways and calm my tummy, I just kept feeling worse and worse. Then I puked up a piece of food from DINNER HOURS AGO and suddenly felt completely better. My throat hurts now though and I’m a little shaken about it. I can’t explain how uncomfortable and scary I felt like I couldn’t get a good breath and yet I might vom and not be able to breathe while that happens. I’m sitting up now it’s almost daylight but I’m so scared if I go to sleep I’ll choke or need to puke. Ugh.

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That sounds sort of like gastroparesis, I’d get checked out by your doctor asap



I’ll message my pcp today, better safe than sorry! Thank you!



I’m very thankful for your reply, just got back from my appt this morning and it is gastroparesis! I’m seeing a specialist soon, Thank you!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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