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Updated 10mo ago

Regular Blood Tests: Any Benefits?

Do you folks have any regular blood tests done that you've found have helped?

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Regular blood tests, yes. Do they help? No



Not very often



There are likely studies still being worked on out there (prob more than one would normally assume) and while that's definitely good news, I understand that it doesn't really help you out too much as far as in the here and now but I will say that one of the things I've been recommended time and time again, and is still the 'standard' for now *using that word standard loosely but anyways, it may sound odd but it's just the Vitamin and Minerals panel. The panel does have varying degrees of specificity and can be possibly narrowed down or added to depending on your signs/symptoms and any other complaints related to your diagnoses. It could also be a little more focused depending on your diet and exercise routines. You would have to see your Dr. of course just to get those questions answered and it's just a general lab panel. The vit and minerals can really have an impact on a surprising number of similar conditions in that area of medicine. I can't make you any promises but slight differences with a lot of those can make a huge difference. I hope this maybe helps. 😃 *and sorry it's so long, too. 🙃

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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