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Updated 10mo ago

Raw Onion Juice for Pain Relief: My Experience

( Anti-Inflammitory Post) Ok, this was weird and cool. I have been breaking out the Juicer lately and I happen to have lots of onions. i had been saving the paper skins and boiling for tea..Over ice its quite delightful. But then I happed open actual onion juice on Pinterest. It red onions we anti-inflammitory due to quercetin, and that red onions through the juicer were the best. I had always considered Nightshade to be terrible for pain, so your milage may very. So I go to juice one, "For Science!" Decide to put an tomato in there for the lycopene and for S&Gs an apple ( bad move on that one, me thinks) to sweeten it up. Well i take a swig or 2 ( about 2ozs) asses the flavor was interesting and not to bad...take 2 steps to the fridge and instantly want to projectile vomit. i fought that for 5 mins or so ..drank a glass of water and went to lay down. With in 20 mins all the pain I was in was gone. Like I was laying there quite content which after 2 falls and doing nothing 3 months it basically hurt to breathe. This morning...I wasn't stiff, I wasn't in pain. I woke up at 630am with no fatigue. ----- I can't say this will be even a weekly occurance and definately not with the apple...but I may give it another go when the pain returns. ---- disclaimer: It is stuff is vile. I once drank a 5th Stolichnaya straight when I 16 and didnt have that instant spew sensation like this stuff did. So procedeed at your own risk.( also for the record, I have been sober for 30+yrs after that event so it was a lesson for me that did not go unheeded.) ----- Food is medician, it always been and we tend to forget that in this day and age. ...have you ever tried raw onion juice for pain...what other types of food have you tried that help with fatigue and such?

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Also forgive typos.. couldn't find my glasses ( Velma Much?)

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