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Updated 10mo ago

Pregnancy with EDS: Seeking Advice from Fellow Zebras

Hi my EDS buddies 👋🦓✨ I recently learned I am pregnant *cue all excitement and nervousness*. Obviously there are a lot of potential complications due to EDS, my doctor feels confident that my body will handle it well, but there’s really no way to know. Anyway I wanted to reach out and see if any of you have had experience with pregnancy or childbirth with EDS and if you’ve got any tips for a first time EDS mama. Morning sickness has been absolutely awful and lasts all day long 😵‍💫 medication and natural remedies recommended by docs haven’t seemed to help much so far, I’ll take all your craziest recommendations. Stay well my friends 🫶

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No advice but lots of well-wishes 💕💕💕






Congratulations!!!! 💕



I just had my first. It went pretty well. When you're pregnant your body releases a hormones that makes all your joints lax so be extra cautious and maybe get some kt tape and braces. My worst spot was my hips and si joints. I also would recommend massaging the area down there, it's supposed to help you stretch before hand so you don't tear as much. I would get a consultation with anesthesiology since they do the epidural and let them know that you have eds and sometimes that means local anesthetics don't work very well so they can give you a plan ahead of time and make sure they have the right stuff on hand. You will want to talk to them even if you don't want an epidural because they will have to help you if you have an emergency c section. I ask for bupivocaine, but you can do research on what you might want. Congratulations!



I had my two kids prior to my eds dx. All day, nonstop nausea was the worst with my 2nd son. Being that we have collagen issues, make sure your ob understands that this can cause your cervix to thin or dilate early. With both kids, I was dialated to 4cm by 38 weeks. My first was born 21 minutes before his due date, and my second was born on his due date. Also, if you end up with migraines, a bit of caffeine can take the edge off. My high risk (for other reasons than eds) ob literally told me to take no doze. I told him I'd prefer to just drink coffee, lol. Also, eds is autosomal dominant, meaning that you will pass the gene on to any kids you have. Whether or not they end up with eds symptoms seems to be a toss-up. In my family, the gene came from my maternal grandfather. My aunt has dxed eds, and my mom has some mild hypermobile joints but nothing else. My brother doesn't seem to have any symptoms while I spent most of 2022 in bed. My 14yo seems to have mild hypermobility, but my 11yo already has some symptoms that we are watching. Last thing, we tend to have precipitous labors, so again, chat with your doc about what to do when you go into labor. First baby was standard 12ish hours, second was 2hr 10mins. Congrats! I hope I didn't scare you! It is possible to have a *normal* pg with eds, just keep up with any changes or concerns that may pop up. My dms are open if you have questions.



not an EDS patient but an ally. My best friend has it so I know quite a bit. Try Preggie pops! There’s also a great essential oil stick that’s meant for chemo but is great for nausea, however, I use it for Gastroparesis!🧡 sending my love and well wishes throughout your pregnancy!!!



Congrats! Good luck!




The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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