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Updated 10mo ago

Pregnancy and Anti-Depressants: Seeking Advice

Pregnancy and anti depressants/anti anxiety meds 😟 I try not to take meds when I'm pregnant, but I got to the point where I wasn't functioning well. I started Wellbutrin recently and was hopeful it would help , but over the past few days I've noticed insomnia, jitters, racing thoughts nonstop. I feel it's the medicine and I'm going to talk to my doctor about it. I'm just curious if anyone else experienced this? I have very few people in my life who understand so it would be really nice to connect with others who do.

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Hi @juniper.rose I take Wellbutrin also. I had the same side effects when I started. After a few weeks it passed. I would definitely mention it to your doctor. Maybe adjust milligrams🤗



Oh that's good to know, that it could pass. Ugh it's so hard to know what to do! I want to try to stick it out , hoping it'll get better. But I can't last like this much longer. 😞 How long have you been on it , and how do you feel now?



I have been on it a few months. I also take Ativan and that helps the jitters. But I would mention it to the doctor just in case🤗



I was taking Effexor XR before I became pregnant for several years. I was sure I couldn't do without it, and what both my psychiatrist and ob/gyn told me that if the benefits outweigh the risks (in my case, they did) that it was ok to stay on it. Effexor (and Cymbalta) is different from most antidepressants prescibed in the US as it is an SNRI instead of an SSRI. The difference there being the norepinephrine factor. It might be worth speaking with your doctor about using something like that. Best of luck 💙



The hard thing with anti-depressants is that they can take 4-6 weeks to truly show the full affects, but it’s hard to wait it out. Especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed with trying to function and being pregnant trying to keep your baby healthy.. With being pregnant though, I would 100% advise to stay close to your doctor about any side affects or any concerns at all. I’ve been on Wellbutrin for 4-5 years ish. It worked really well for the first 3 years! I’m also on Effexor, and it was added on to my Wellbutrin, so I dont know how it is on it’s on. I would just stay super close to your doctor and tell them everything you experience. I’m also available to chat if you’d like!



Thanks for all the input! Definitely talking to my doctor about it at my appointment on Thursday, I just wanted to hear about some other experiences in the meantime. :)



I appreciate reading through this because I'm currently TTC and I'm worried about having to go off the medication that's finally working. I take Cymbalta, an SNRI, SSRI'S don't seem to work well for me.

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