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Updated 10mo ago

Postpartum Symptoms: Seeking Relief and Support

Hello everyone. I've posted two questions in here already, but I thought I'd introduce myself a little. I've been feeling crazy and on the verge of a break down for months because of my symptoms. I had a baby 7 months ago, and my symptoms started in my third trimester. I've been able to get a week or two of relief, and then I'm hit hard out of nowhere and it lasts for weeks. This passed month, it has been every single day, and it's never lasted this long. Each time they start, they get progressively worse. I have gotten tested for so many things and even had an MRI, but everyone keeps telling me that it's just anxiety or panic. My therapist suggested talking to a psychiatrist about medication, which I will be doing on Tuesday. My symptoms include: tinnitus (24/7 but worse during a wave), lightheadedness, occasional tension headache, brain fog, tingles and numbness in arms and hands, numbness and weakness in the right side of my body including my face which always makes me fear stroke, heart palpitations, and extremely sweaty feet (which is usually where it starts). I could be going for a walk, playing with my baby, walking around the store, or just watching TV. It's been very debilitating. I feel like I can't be my best self, best mom, or best wife. I had a huge wave the other say where my entire right side got tingly, numb, and hot. and I still feel the after affects 4 days later. I'm at my wits end. I've tried everything to help. I'm really hoping that medication will help. So far this app has helped reassure me that I'm just having body panic attacks and that it's not uncommon. Anyone else have all those same symptoms?

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Have you been tested for lyme? I have the same symptoms



all of my ANA levels were fine. Were you bitten by a tick? Not sure if there are other ways to develop lymes disease.



I don’t remember being bite either



hmmmmmm I'll have to talk to my PCM about it. They never suggested that could be a possibility. We live in northern California, and I think we have the kind of ticks that would carry it.



Look into Post-Viral Syndrome in general. Ask about brain mapping, but I doubt a conventional doc will provide it. Look into naturopathy. And if you have ever traveled overseas, get tested for blood parasites; they are very difficult to diagnose.



Igentucs is the best test but it’s expensive but it’s worth it



Hi new here. I have mild hearing loss. Tinnitus can come from hearing loss to. Now I’m exploring different reasons for tinnitus. Did u know some people have tinnitus without hearing loss? Tinnitus is a symptom of something wrong in your body. Mine tinnitus when crazy a year ago. Mine never goes away ear to ear tea kettle noise high whistle etc. now I have neck problems and tmj this is we’re I’m looking to see if this is my main source of the problem. I read the worst tinnitus can come from tmj and cranial instability. Please if u have jaw pain bad bit or neck problems get that checked out to.



thank you really helpful info, sorry I wrote it on chat too haven't been feeling myself, just feel off, some of this really describes me, also developed tmj , now the problem is getting pressure out my left ear had my first ent visit a few days ago and it was hard to grasp to all that was going on, felt rushing u.u

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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