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Updated 11mo ago

Possible Herpes Transmission to Self?

I haven’t been diagnosed but I know that I have Hsv-1 at least, I got it 2 years ago when I went on a date and we kissed a lot ( nothing more than that) and since then I haven’t had any Hsv-2 symptoms but recently I was just getting over a breakout (my breakouts are fairly small and you can barely see them) and I had intercourse with someone I know (on Monday the 8th) (with a condom) and I gave Fellatio while the condom was on then we had sex with that same condom( we’ve done it before and nothing has happened) but this time a few days later my throat hurts and I’m a bit worried that I might’ve contracted hsv-2 from myself, ( tbh this could also be from the cold weather)I’m getting tested soon and I’m a bit nervous, could anyone give me some insight? (Sorry this was so long)

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Sounds like this could be a thousand things rather than herpes in your throat. Maybe you just got a cold or a virus. I believe you have nothing to be nervous about… Even if it’s somehow herpes, it’s not the end of the world, and it can be treated easily



I meant to ask if you thought that I could’ve given myself hsv-2 on my genitals and could my throat aching be a symptom

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