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Updated 7mo ago

Polyfragmented DID - What is it?

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A polyfragmented system is a system that has 100+ alters. I am part of a polyfragmented system. It usually doesn't take a lot to make a polyfragmented system split. We recently had a mass split around Christmas because of some new trauma we went through.



I’m also part of a Polyfragmented Traumagenic DID System. There are more than 3,000 of us. We split very easy due to repeated trauma and stress






We’re polyfragmented! It doesn’t just mean 100+ alters, its when a system is comprised of many different factors, splits easily, and usually has subsystems. hierarchical and layered systems are more common in polyfrag systems, and it is most common for RA victims to be polyfragmented. 🤗 hope this helped



We are a polyfragmented system, it is mostly due to high stress and repetitive trauma, however it is best to keep in mind that all trauma may vary, and depending on the person might be greater then someone else's take on it. Everyone has different limits to what they can take, so stress and trauma are much more easy to come across depending on the person. For us, our stress causes constant splits, we have around 370+ alters because of it. And I'm sure there will be more.



We are a polyfragmented system, I believe that I have 100+ alters but so far im at roughly 40 who have been accounted for, its only been about a year and a half that I've been keeping track though. However even if I dont that is the only qualification for polyfragmentation that I do not currently meet, and you dont need all of them. One factor that seems to be coming back repeatedly is that chunks of my trauma was before the age of 11 months I also have intricate lines of alters, multiple fragmented alters, many incidents of many kinds of trauma ranging from some more mild seeming one off events to severe and prolonged situations, and I have a numer of rarer alter types.

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