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Updated 11mo ago

Help with identifying a persistent rash on my hands

I have been suffering for about 2 years who a rash on my hands that resembles dyshidrotic eczema. I recently started seeing a dermatologist. At first glance, not sure of what it is they recommended patch testing with allergens that didn’t provide an answer. I’ve changed my diet, been prescribed topical creams, next step is a skin scrape for analysis.

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Hi! It seems like you’re on the road to discovering what it is that bothers you🤞🏻🤞🏻



Does it actually itch? I get small bumps on my hands but they don’t itch. I was diagnosed with pretty mild punctate keratoderma.



Just wanted to say that I have hypothyroidism and also have a similar issue….I’ve always had little flare-ups, but this is the longest my hand has been this way (about 3 months). Does that seem to be associated with thyroid issues according to the dermatologist?



The itching sensation is so bad sometimes that it wakes me up out of a deep sleep. Little red, fluid filled bumps appear. It almost resembles poison ivy. They appear randomly all over my fingers and now my palms. The dermatologist does not have an answer as of currently. He prescribed me a steroid cream to use a couple times a day. In between, to handle the dryness of my skin he recommended I use an over the counter cream called Vanicream. The vanicream does wonders in terms of moisturizing and I highly recommend it for anyone with dry skin. It is fragrance free and free of allergens. In terms of the connection with the hypothyroidism, it has been diagnosed as such. But if it was dyshidrotic eczema, which it looks exactly like, it is bought on by stress. When I first started to encounter this issue my stress levels increased, which made sense as to why the issue came to light. I am under a lot of everyday stress due to being in this hybrid role of being a stay at home mom and a business analyst.



It sounds like it could be histamine. Have you had your histamine levels checked? Or looked into MCAS? I’m having a lot of histamine issues right now. I know you mentioned changing your diet. Did part of that change include avoiding high histamine foods and histamine liberating foods?

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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