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Updated 11mo ago

Passed out in class and got a concussion

hi guys- i passed out in class (again) but this time it was from standing up (in a lecture hall with at least 100 people) and almost instantly fell and hit my head on the concrete (why do they have concrete in a lecture hall!?) but i was puking 5-7 hours later and low and behold have a concussion. anyone have similar experiences?? and if so- what did you do about it?

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Omg I’m so sorry you went through that. When I was getting my nails done I started to feel so lightheaded and I ended up blacking out and I Woke up on the waxing table I was so embarrassed but after I felt so nauseous but I just couldn’t throw up anyways I haven’t been back sense🥲.



this is why I use a cane. I have a seat cane so I can sit whenever i need to, and I'm also an ambulatory wheelchair user. I'm sorry you had to go thru that and I hope you heal and feel better soon 🙏💕

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