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Updated 11mo ago

How to Handle Panic Attacks While Driving

what do you do if you have a panic attack while driving?

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Pull over!! Implement techniques you know help calm you down. And once your feel 100% ready start to drive again, or call a friend to pick you up. ❤️



Definitely pull over and if it’s safe walk or walk in place. my first panic attack happened when I was driving! It was by far the worst outcome of any panic attack. I hyperventilated and expelled all of my CO2 from my blood which made my hands and feet go numb and curl up so tight I was unable to drive with them going 75mph! Long of the short, I drove with my forearms to the nearest business and asked them to call 911. From that day on (3 years) I had them every day. I never figured out exactly how to get rid of them. But what helped was to do controlled breathing through the nose and out of the mouth. Turn on relaxing nature sounds, but not too loud. Just be really careful pulling over in certain high speed traffic or shallow shoulders. If you have them often while driving maybe ask for some kind of non drowsy anxiety medication. They have some that are not habit forming. I hope things get better soon! 🫶🏽



Find a safe place to park and call someone if they can help you calm down



I call my wife, and she talks me through things. I drive for a living... Also, distracting myself by focusing on the road and playing a little 'eye-spy' or something helps too



Thank you all for your input ❤️. I've also been watching youtube videos on this topic and what has stood out to me is to keep going. I've realized that this has helped me personally. To just keep going. Once i get through it, my mind feels so happy and i get calm. My issue is that i freak myself out beforehand, like my mind races with thoughts that i might have an attack while driving. So now, I've just accepted it and I take my Hydroxizine as needed before driving. I hope to start therapy soon once i can afford it. Thank you all so much ❤️



so happy to hear things are getting better! You deserve a stress free life!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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