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Updated 11mo ago

Pancreatic Stents: Help or Harm?

Has anyone had pancreatic stents put in? and if so has it helped or made it worse?

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I just had one done a month ago and it was amazing. Life changing. Do you have a pseudocyst?



I have had a pseudo cyst. It burst into my colon. Had a drainage tube in my belly for 6 weeks. Every day going to hospital for IV antibiotics it was preceded by my gallbladder full of stones then pancreatitis. I was told it was in my head an my brain just wanted mire pain meds by the ER doctors 4 times over a year an a half. They almost killed me , again. Love going to the ER.



I had one placed in 2019 but it closed up soon after. I was told that I they would do another one if my symptoms returned.



I've had the stent placement procedure 10 times... because I'm allergic to the materials they're made of so I'm always admitted to the hospital for several days after so they can go back in and remove them once the pancreas drained. It always came back until the last one several years ago when my Dr made a small cut in the duct. That made it stay open far. Just a small warning....if you have chronic pancreatitis don't EVER let any Dr talk you into getting a gastric bypass!! Afterwards, they're no longer able to stent the pancreas! I just wish someone had told me that. Thank God for Creon!!



Thank you, mine was a emergency because I had done turned jaundice and constantly throwing up and the pain was unbearable. They found stones in my bile ducts and the bile had stopped flowing. I am slowly learning why they did it and I am unaware of the long term affects of this procedure. After the stents was placed , they removed my gallbladder. But was very informative about things. I am scared because it has been over two weeks post opp and I can't keep anything down.


2y usually happens pretty fast. If you're still throwing up call your Dr. That seems a bit excessive. Are you on any anti-nausea meds? You also need to pay attention to how you feel after certain foods. It's different for everyone but an example is that I can no longer eat iceberg lettuce, cucumber, some beans and lentils, raw onion, or anything high fat without getting sick.



For a month now I’ve tried something my naprapath told me to try. Apple cider vinegar. It’s not great to drink a teaspoon every day , but. I’ve got off of all my stomach meds one that I I’ve been in for over 20 years. At first it upset my stomach after I drank it. But if you drink like 4-5 oz of water it goes away quickly. It worked for me if you looked it up ACV helps a lot of things.



I drink coconut water an eat salads. But I make myself sick because I don't know a small meal. I'm not big but I eat and take a pill an pass out so what's around want bother or effect me. I belch a lot I'm in love with belching. I can't drink water or I hurt an to top it off I have hypothyroidism. But I swear if everybody a stop playing boyfriend or Diva an just say how you doing I be fine✋



What is a stent. Sad thing Ed said I have a very mild case an I be in here bout ta die like uggh. As soon as I wake I pop a pill an carry my butt right back to sleep



A teaspoon of baking soda helps instantly. I don't know how long its gonna last but I feel so much better. Be careful when taking you will get choke. I suggest putting your 👅 to absorb



I do not sleep more than 2 hours or less every day. I tell my docs an there solutions are sleep meds an I am refusing taking them due to my possible sleepwalking issues I’ve broke both collet bone falling down stairs two different times fell out of bed on my head multiple times I won’t do it.



Apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon a day in 4 oz of water. I’ve got off of two stomach meds I’ve taken for over 20 years it really helps. Also to much soda is also a bad thing.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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