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Updated 10mo ago

Suggestions for Pain Management During Long Study Hours

I’m looking for suggestions for pain management during the day. I’m a grad student who sits at a desk sometimes up to 10 hours a day. My primary pain is my in neck and shoulders. I just tried salonpas patches over the weekend and they felt pretty good but I fear the odor would distract my peers. Are there odorless products like this out there? I’ve also been researching CBD, delta 8, and delta 9 but have seen very mixed results. I was think of trying delta 8 gummies as they sounded like the best fit for me. Has anyone ever tried these? Or any delta 8 products? I apologize for the rant haha

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Dude, Delta 8 helps so much and vape, no smell, bio freeze helps but does smell and voltaran is really good, no smell



I love Voltaren for my joint pain! If heat helps you, get yourself some ThermaCare disposable heat pads! They were long lasting and heaven sent before I started effective treatment for my endometriosis.I recommend trying Arnica Montana if you are interested in natural methods. Arnica does come in a topical gel as well as a meltable tablet. I love Hyland’s pain relieving tablets but they can get expensive!



Delta 8 helped my major problem joints but then it made my less painful joints hurt more. Voltaren gel is a godsend and it barely smells and it's not sticky. It was a prescription till like 2 years ago. For pain management though I take tramadol XR now and it made it go from a constant 8 to a 3



For my chronic pain I use voltaren gel, lidocaine patches (they work best warmed with a hairdryer or heating pad) and a device called an oska pulse. It is EXPENSIVE but worth every last penny and then some!



I also love my tens unit

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