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Updated 9mo ago

Pain after Gallbladder Removal - Need Advice

Hello all!!! I had my gallbladder removed in September 2022. All was fine and well until now (January) … I’m starting to get some pains again in the same area (not as severe) but still uncomfortable. Usually after I eat something heavy… I wonder if it’s just because of my (not so great) diet. Anyone else have more pain after their gallbladder removal? I’m going to contact my doctor soon. Maybe it’s phantom pains?

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When they took mine out they put the bile duct directly into the lg colon. I had lots of discomfort with diarrhea and now my bile duct has a bubble in it. I go to the GI Dr in one week.



I'd go to the doctor. Something similar happened to me and I wasn't making enough stomach acid post surgery to digest my food



I had mine out in my 30s almost 40 yrs ago. I was told that the bile duct increases size with age, normal. But, My pain is severe when my belly is bloated by gas and stool. I had upper GI, MRI, Ultrasound and Cat Scan. Seems it is irritation at the muscle from the scar tissue that formed over the years. If I drink hot or cold on an empty stomach the pain is bad even without bloating.



I'm having this issue, just had an MRI to check the bile duck, and liver as my liver enzymes are slightly elevated also. Did you find out what was causing the pain after ? Xx

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