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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with Overstimulating Clothes and Gender Expression

gender expression and going out with over stimulating clothes.. This year I started getting rid of the clothes I only tolerated bc I felt like they weren't "too uncomfortable", now that I'm going out more again from the beginning of C19 I want to dress up. I have tried on 12 outfits today, and the first one was cute, I was happy with it but it was giving me a painful wedgie. I genuinely like dressing up, I find it fun, I have always dressed how I feel - visually. I talked about how I feel like I only dress up fem-ish the other day and someone pointed out I was still buying fem fits when vintage shopping. I now realize it's not fem that I don't particularly dislike.. it's the restriction and over stimulation fem clothes give me. I feel good and cute until it's been 2 hrs and I have to rush home to rip it all off. Anyone else?

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I REALLY struggle with that - honestly just with clothes in general. I identify as a nudist/naturist. Now it is partly because of the oversexualization of nudity in society, but it started (and remains) largely because of sensory issues.



My partner would rather nudity too, funny I met him that way 😂



I also have struggles with clothes and sensory issues!! it's so frustrating. I wanna wear cool clothes, or like, jeans even but I just... can't



This is one of my main issues with feminine presentation as well. So much of it is about discomfort and pain. I've yet to find makeup that I'm not allergic to and have to settle for the mildest reactions I can get. I can never find feminine shoes or clothes that don't make me uncomfortable or even induce pain. Allistic people tell me "beauty is pain" and "just learn to ignore it" 🙃



yeah colonial femme clothes are horrible and intentionally restricting to promote conventional body norms. i have pretty much abolished most of my femme content but am now sort of regretting it and ive been shopping for loose and billowy stuff online... ive even been shopping neo ludwig on fanplusfriend like a silly traitor "-" but it's so pretty



i feel like me having sensory issues is so normal that i forgot to mention it. i hate shirts and bottoms that restrict around my torso it's the worst and tugging around the ribcage from some dresses just... i couldn't possibly go to a dance or something like no way... too many layers and ill start sweating like a boiling hotdog and it's so bad... clothes generally suck and ive even had to cull my graphic tees because some are too heavy and thus uncomfortable



I feel the same way! I'm closeted non-binary, but I almost always wear masc clothes because it's more loose fitting and less overstimulating

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