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Updated 10mo ago

Experience with Over the Counter Birth Control?

Does anyone have experience with over the counter birth controls? I know they’ve thankfully became a thing but I don’t know much about them. My gyno hasn’t responded to a request for a refill on my prescription birth control which is bad because without it my pcos takes over and I just bleed nonstop and pmdd also worsens. I’m considering over the counter as a possibility but not 100% sure. I’m curious about it.

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I used The Pill Club (not sponsored or anything lol) because I couldn't rely on my doctor to keep up on my script. I have PCOS and my periods were awful. They offer a very wide range of birth control and you get free goodies with it. My shipment was always early so I never missed a dose! As for over the counter I'd assume they're probably all safe enough-ish to try which one would work best if they do end up being a route you take. Just obviously always follow the instructions. I'm sorry your Dr isn't much help. ❤️ Periods suck, health problems suck, needing meds especially sucks! Good luck 🥰

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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