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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Intrusive Thoughts: Seeking OCD Management Tips

Anything help you manage your ocd better? i struggle with intrusive thoughts often

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I have done well with replacements. I have ADHD so this may not work for you but I carry around fidget toys so I can usually push the intrusive thought onto one of my fidgets or something I can hyper focus on. I hope this helps!



woah that is so helpful! i will have to try that. thank you so much



I try to accept and acknowledge them before I dismiss them. for example, I will get an intrusive thought and will say, out loud or in my head, something like: "thanks for your input, but that's not very helpful right now" "no thank you, I would rather do what I'm already doing/something else" it helps me process the thought



Recognize that the thought your having is intrusive. Intrusive meaning you don’t actually think that thought. Meaning your intrusive thoughts have nothing to do with you. Me personally I get grossed out with some of my intrusive thoughts. But we have to remember it isn’t us thinking it. If I get a intrusive thought I just said “that’s not true” or “no i don’t want that to happen”. Just to reassure myself. Or if you get one, for example “If i don’t do ___ something bad will happen”. I say “nothing bad will happen, I am safe.” “They’re safe”. It doesn’t sound like much but I promise with the more you do it, it does truly make a difference. Also listening to music with head phones helps me or watching my favorite movies/shows :)



I use a lot of metaphors to think about and remind myself that intrusive thoughts are benign, not worthy of my attention, and can’t hurt me. I think a lot about the boggart scene from Harry Potter— it takes the form of your fear, and the way to ‘destroy’ it is to push it back with its irrelevance; I.e. by making it silly. Takes a lot of practice tho. ❤️



Recognize it is the OCD, not you. I have Pure O ocd, so i struggle daily with this. Look into ERP exercises, unified mindfulness. You may not have religious ocd, but read up on concepts for imaginal exposure.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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