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Updated 11mo ago

Not Sure If I Have An Eating Disorder

Vent/asking for your opinion. I’m not sure if I’m valid or actually have an eating disorder. I’ve taken tests and I’m still not sure. I was thinking of anorexia but I don’t completely fall under it.. so yea I’ll give you the reasons or symptoms that concern me or make me believe something is going on. 1- I’m obsessed with my weight I am constantly thinking about it. I always try to sit and stand in ways that make it so I don’t have to see my body. I always look in the mirror in disgust at my body and I dislike showers because I have to see my body. 2-I have gone on streaks of not eating anything with the goal in mind to loose weight. I will go on that streak until I feel weak and become very dizzy and nauseous. 3-eating makes me feel guilty and disgusting 4-I have tried to make myself barf with the goal in mind of getting rid of calories I have eaten. 5-irregular menstruation(i don’t know if that is related) 6-I try to avoid things with calories 80 or more 7-I hate people seeing me eat 8-I check my weight whenever I can and if it is over a certain point I stop eating and get super stressed Now here are things that make me unsure 1-I am not super skinny 2-I cannot get myself to throw up 3-I go on eating sprees every once in a while 4- I have pica(another eating disorder) 5-I used to be chubby 6-I think some bigger bodied people look pretty as bigger bodied 7-My favorite food is a type of cake And more (so if there is anything you are wondering then ask me) So overall I’m not sure what I have and I would like it if somebody would help me figure it out. Thank you for reading this 😊

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It could be anorexia. I feel like these may be swings of bad thoughts maybe? Like one minute you dont care and the next you do? Do they correlate with anxiety or hardships?



I feel like I always kinda care.I also think maybe dysphoria might have a role in it but I’m not sure. I’m also not sure about anxiety but that could be it. I don’t believe hardships are a key role in it either. Sorry if I’m confusing😅

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