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Updated 10mo ago

Non-medicated ways to manage ADD/ADHD

What are some non-medicated ways you have managed your ADD/ADHD? For example, lists, timers, etc?

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Exercise, specifically weight lifting-goal setting and weight increase gave me such boost of serotonin and a feeling of control and structure in my life like nothing else.



Having a big whiteboard in my living room/office area has been really helpful lately. Also STICKY NOTES galore. I like to put super important/urgent ones on my bathroom mirror so I can’t miss it. And yes, setting timers on my phone! Also, taking walks, even a couple small ones throughout the day. Helps with my mood and energy :)



Go to libraries to get work done!! or anywhere that everyone else is doing work (cafe, study room, etc). If you're stuck inside, there's a Study Stream Discord server I highly recommend. If you can have a study buddy to go with you, this helps. Make to do lists: it helps organize and make tasks less intimating. Schedule your day if you know you have a lot of work to get done, or at least decide how long it will take to do the tasks and make sure you start at an appropriate time (I make sure to start writing essays by 6pm if they're due at midnight). Pomodoro method. 25 minutes of work, 5 minute break for 4 cycles, then a 15-30 min break. Sometimes I can't focus the whole 25 minutes so I'll reduce it to 20 or so. Sometimes I get into flow and skip over a break. White boards!!! They're fun and they're so helpful. Eat well and stay hydrated! I find that doing productive things earlier in the day (like laundry, exercise, going to see a friend) helps my feel like I can achieve other things.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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