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Updated 11mo ago

New to Migraines, Need Advice

Does your migraines last a few weeks or days? I’ve been having this bad headache on one side and it’ll affect my vision and I’ll feel nauseous. I’m new to migraines, so I just worry it’s something else and not a migraine.

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I've had them last up to a month before. If its not bad some excedrine helps me if not I've gone to the er before and they've helped a lot



It depends. Migraines can last weeks but everyone is different. Have you been diagnosed officially? There is a lot of medical uncertainty in your message. I'm a migraine sufferer myself, but I'm also a medical student very close to being a doctor so your question causes me anxiety. From just what you said most likely it's migraine, but there's a small chance it isn't, so it's very important you have proper diagnostics. The length of time isn't a useful part of the diagnostic algorithm though, it is too non-specific (many things present the same way). More important things are the exact symptoms you experience, your age, your family history, what causes the headaches, and what makes them better.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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