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Updated 7mo ago

Navigating Doubt and Progress in Chronic Illness Journey

is it just me but when I achieve a small step of progress. I feel happy but at the same time. I get thoughts like ppl will think I'm now faking it or lying about my real chronic conditions and it discourages me when I do something cause just cause I do it doesn't mean it wasn't heck to get through it. Ex.. ,(Today I decided to push through and walk to the hallway to radiology for an MRI, feeling presyncope symptoms and pain but I pushed through it

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Literally all the time. I met with my HR director at work and she said something along the lines of "I had no idea you were in pain or distress. You always seem so upbeat with the kids" (I'm a teacher) and that comment irked me a bit cuz I was like I push through and fight every day to be able to be here but yes I'm hurting and its hard. Sometimes I wish there were more outside visual problems just so people would take it as seriously as it feels in my body. I'm looking for connections during those rough times if u wanna dm me



Yes, but be strong. You know you. Dont doubt yourself.



I get very happy and proud of myself about small success. It could be washing the dishes or going to work or it could be doing the laundry or completed diamond art. Sounds silly, but when you have a chronic illness you learn to be grateful for the littlest things as your body can sometimes not allow you to do anything even those small things.



I agree tho, just wish I didn't have to doubt

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