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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Nausea from Restricted Diet

literally having the worst bouts of nausea from eating something i definitely wasn’t supposed to. i just don’t want to limit my diet because the foods i enjoy the most are the ones i can’t have without getting sick 😭

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I can very much relate to this. I don't get nausea that often as my symptoms are more cramps and bloating but the not being able to eat what I want is so depressing. And the things that I "should" be eating are difficult for me due to my ARFID, allergies and intolerances. It's especially hard when I'm with others who I see eat whatever they want, usually things I enjoy but cannot tolerate. It can send me spiraling into a deep depressive hole sometimes. I think I'm still in denial about HAVING to live a certain way.



that’s definitely how i feel. sometimes i get comfort from food when i’m in an episode and i just can’t give that up. :/



For sure. I'm also someone who turns to food, but not as much anymore, thank goodness. It's worse when I'm under the influence of THC tho but that will lessen the symptoms a bit for me so I can eat. I feel like a child sometimes when I get upset over not being able to eat my "junk" food. 😅 It's definitely hard to give up.

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